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OS [ɔs] n
libr., mexic. libro agotado
OS [ɔs] adj.
libr., mexic. agotado
libr., span. en falta
 English thesaurus
OS [ɔs] abbr.
abbr. O Sullivan; Outer Space; Cryptologic Officer; Oblique Sounding; Ocular Sinister; Oculus Sinister - Left Eye; Old Style; On Sheet; Open Sockets; Open Street; Operating Standards; optical spectroscopy; Operating Strength; Operations System; Opportunity To Serve; Optimal Strategy; Optional Stopping; Ordnance School; Ordnance Service; Oregon Steel Mills, Inc.; Organizational Software; Other Singer; Other Supplementary; otherwise specified; Our Service; Out of Service; Out of Stock; Out Sized; Outer Sensor; Outside Scope; Outside Shot; Outstanding Student; Over Sized; Overhead Sending; Overhead Spending; Overseas Studies; Overtly Similar
abbr., agric. owner sampler
abbr., auto. oxygen sensor; off side; oversteer
abbr., avia. off safe; oil sealing; oil seepage; oil sump; Omega system; on station; operating software; operational spare; operational support; oriented system; out of sequence; out-of-sequence; outdoor storage; outplant suppliers; Austrian Airlines AG
abbr., avia., med. orbital station; otolith shear
abbr., BrE Ordnance
abbr., cartogr. Geological Survey
abbr., chem., scient. Osmium
abbr., commer. Open Systems
abbr., commun. On Sight mode
abbr., comp., net. operating system
abbr., comp., net., IT Online Services; Open Server
abbr., ed. Old School
abbr., el. odd symmetric; official station; on-site; opensource; operating signal; operational speed; operation services; operations system; optical scattering; optical sensor; optic sensor; optical source; optical spectrometer; optical system; optics system; ordered structure; originating subscriber; oscillator strength; outgoing sender; output smoothness; output strobe
abbr., electr.eng. oil switch
abbr., IT Open Source; Open System; Operating system
abbr., med. oculus Sinister Left Eye; Bone; Omenn Syndrome; Opitz Syndrome; Osteogenic Sarcoma; Osteosarcoma; Osteosclerosis; oculus sinistra (Vosoni); oral steroid (пероральный стероид Шакиров); opening snap; ovabain-sensitive; overall survival
abbr., med., lat. oculus sinister
abbr., media. Off Screen
abbr., met. oscillation stroke
abbr., mil. Old Skool; On Sea; On Service; Ordnance Survey; Other Specifications; "Oh, Shit" light refers to an aircraft cockpit red warning lamp which indicated when a SAM came off the rails ; operating stocks
abbr., mil., air.def. open service
abbr., mil., avia. ocean station
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. operator station
abbr., O&G, sakh. observation system; Optimization Study
abbr., oil oil sand; oil show; outer side; outer surface; overshot
abbr., oncol., med. Overall Survival
abbr., org.name. Operations Services Department
abbr., physiol. OStium mouth
abbr., physiol., med. Mouth; Oral Surgery; Oxygen Saturation
abbr., polym. on sale
abbr., robot. operation system
abbr., scottish Observation Squadron; Offensive Support; Orderly Sergeant; Ordinary Seaman; Ordnance Services / Survey
abbr., sec.sys., IT Operating System
abbr., tech. one-shot multivibrator; contour single unit
abbr., tel. Object server (Yakov)
abbr., textile One Size
energ.ind. operating shift; operating status; overspeed; oxygen scavenging
mil. observer school; observing station; office of security; office of supply; office of the secretary; on-station; one shot; operating schedule; operational sequence; operational status; operational supplement; operational system; operations section; optical sight; ordnance specifications; ordnance stores; ordnance survey; other sources; outside sentinel; overseas; overseas service
O&G control target type; oily sewer
oncol. Osteogenic sarcoma (context bone tumours)
physiol. Left eye (oculus sinister)
tech. off-screen; oil side tank; on switch; on-board software; operating standard; operational safety; operational suitability; optical scanning; optical star; ornamental stitching seam; oscilloscope; osmium; outside; over-the-shoulder; oversize
OS. abbr.
abbr., auto. offside
os [ɔs] abbr.
abbr. outstanding; oxygen service
abbr., earth.sc. overbank sediment
Os [ɔs] abbr.
abbr., oil Osage
tech., abbr. osmium
OS [ɔs] abbr.
abbr. optical switching; Officer of Subsidiary (вк); ordnance specification; outer sheet; output signal
abbr., avia. office system; oil separator; oil strainer; optical section; optical sender; optical soliton; optical switch; Operations Specifications; order sheet; outplant supplier; over station
abbr., baseb. out stealing
abbr., busin. off-season; on sample; on site; on spot; Operational Sheets; organic solvent; outsize; oversight
abbr., dril. over size
abbr., earth.sc. Oceanic Society; oil shale; Optical Society; organic sulfur; overland slope; oxides; oxidized sediment; Sea of Okhotsk
abbr., mech.eng. outer sleeve
abbr., med. left eye
abbr., mil. operations support (обеспечение операций Киселев)
abbr., oil observation station; off-side; oil pressure test for strength; oil shows; oil soluble; oil stain; on schedule; one side; operation operating system; Ordovician-Silurian; organic solvents; organic synthesis; organo-sulfur; organosilicon; original surface; orthogonal system; other services (line); other side; outstanding shares; over and short; oxygen scavenger
abbr., space optical storage; optoelectronic scanning; orbital spaceplane; orientation stress; original state
OS. abbr.
abbr. outside secondary
abbr., earth.sc. oversize
OS [ɔs] abbr.
abbr., ling. Old Saxon (Maeva)
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