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econ. FAO
| Network
comp., MS Redes
gen. redecillas; redecilla o maraña de vasos linfáticos, nervios o venas
chem. reticulación
commun. red de conmutación
comp., MS mexic. red
med. plexo
tech. sistema
| of
gen. ante
| Expertise
gen. conocimiento práctico
| on
gen. prendido
| Animal
health. animal
| Influenza
health. gripe

to phrases
 English thesaurus
OIE abbr.
abbr. Office of Inspection and Enforcement
abbr., anim.husb. Organisation Internationale des Epizooties
abbr., avia. overhaul item of equipment
abbr., comp.name. Oil Industry Engineering Inc.
abbr., earth.sc. ordinary infinite elements
abbr., ed., scient. Office of Institutional Effectiveness; Office of International Education
abbr., el. overrun interrupt enable
abbr., med. Office International Des Épizooties. Organisation Mondiale De La Santé Animale. World Organisation For Animal Health. Organización Mundial De Sanidad Animal.
abbr., org.name. World Organisation for Animal Health
abbr., securit. overseas investment exchange
abbr., vet.med., med. Office International des Epizooties
mil. optical infrared equipment
tech. optical incremental encoder
OIE: 11 phrases in 2 subjects
Name of organization10
Veterinary medicine1