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agric. cartabón; cartela
el. codo FET
el. construct. nudo del pórtico

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
 English thesaurus
OCD abbr.
abbr., avia. operating characteristics document
abbr., el. off-chip driver; on-line communication driver; optical cable driver; optically coupled device; other card data
abbr., med. obsessive-compulsive disorder (inspirado); Office of Civil Defence; ovarian cholesterol depletion (test)
abbr., mil. orderwire clock distributor
abbr., org.name. Office for Coordination and Decentralization; Office for Coordination and Decentralized Activities
OCD abbr.
abbr. Obcessive Compulsive Disorder; Off-Chip-Driver (calibration); Out-of-Cell Delineation (UNI); Office of Civil Defense
abbr., automat. optimum cutting data
abbr., avia. operational concept description
abbr., health., med. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
abbr., IT Oil Conservation Division; Out of Cell Delineation
abbr., law Organized Crime Division
abbr., med. Office Of Child Development; Osteochondritis Dissecans; Osteochrondritis Dissecans
abbr., mil. Operational Concept Demonstration; Operational Concept Document; Operation Crop Diversification (Излюбленной тактикой талибов является обстрел колонн и блок-постов ВС США из прилегающих к ним полей. Данная операция направлена на сокращение посевов кукурузы и других с/х культур, могущих служить убежищем для боевиков: крестьянам, согласившимся отказаться от выращивания кукурузы, выплачивается денежная компенсация. ilyas_levashov)
abbr., nautic., scient. Ocean Chemistry Division
abbr., relig. Order of Carmelites Discalced
abbr., scottish Central Office for General Defense (Switzerland); Office of Civil Defense (USA)
abbr., space operational capability development; optical communication demonstration; optical-correlation detector
mil. operational capability date; operations center director
: 1 phrase in 1 subject