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NWS abbr.
abbr. National Weather Station; Nose Wheel Steering; nuclear-weapon state
abbr., avia. nuclear weapon state
abbr., dipl. nuclear weapon states
abbr., earth.sc. Navy Weather Service; Northwestern States; North-West Shelf (Australia)
abbr., el. north warning system; Netware Web server; naval weapons specification; network window system
abbr., inet. NeoWebScript
abbr., IT Latest News - Information text file - ASCII
abbr., meteorol. normal water surface
abbr., mil. National Weather Service; nuclear-weapon states (Artjaazz)
abbr., mil., air.def. naval weapon specification
abbr., mus. New World Symphony
abbr., O&G, sakh. Northern well site; Northwest Sakhalin
abbr., oil no-wall-stick (pipe); North West Shelf
abbr., sec.sys., IT Non- Working Software
abbr., space Naval weapon station; nuclear weapons support
abbr., sport. National Winter Sports
abbr., st.exch. News Corporation, LTD.
abbr., tech. nose wheel steering
abbr., tradem. Needleman Wunsch And Sellers
abbr., UN nuclear weapon States
abbr., vet.med. New World screwworm
mil., abbr. Nimbus weather satellite; North warning system; naval weapons storage; nuclear weapons state; nuclear weapons storage
tech., abbr. naval weather service
NWs abbr.
abbr., UN nuclear weapons
NWS: 7 phrases in 1 subject