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 English thesaurus
NWC abbr.
abbr. National War College; National Whistleblower Center; NoteWorthy Composer; National Warning Center; National Water Commission; National Water Council; NORAD Weather Center
abbr., anim.husb. National Waterfowl Council
abbr., avia. naval weapon center
abbr., commer. Navy War College; Nuclear Weapons Center; Nuclear Weapons Council
abbr., comp., net., IT NetWare Cluster; Network Computing
abbr., econ. working capital
abbr., ed., scient. Northwest College, Powell Wyoming
abbr., fin. Net Working Capital (чистый оборотный капитал gangsta)
abbr., Makarov. network controller
abbr., media. The North Woods Call newspaper
abbr., mil. Naval War College
abbr., pharma. negative water control (iwona)
abbr., physiol., med. National Wellness Conference
abbr., relig. New World Coming; Northwest Chapel; Nothing Without Christ
abbr., scottish Naval Weapons Center
abbr., sport. NorthWest Conference; National Wrestling Confederation
abbr., tradem. NeverWinter Connections; New Ware Club; New World Computing
abbr., transp. Nissan Wheelers Of Colorado
energ.ind. nuclear waste categories
mil. nuclear war capability
tech. normal water chemistry
univer., ed., scient. Northwestern College