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gen. atlántico
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earth.sc. falla
life.sc. crucero principal; plano de fractura principal
UN geol. dislocación
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noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
 English thesaurus
mid [mɪd] n
mil., navy middle watch (MichaelBurov); midshipman (MichaelBurov)
MID [mɪd] abbr.
abbr. Masses In Deception; Mentioned In Dispatch; Mexican Independence Day; Middle; Military Intelligence Division; Standard & Poors MidCap 400 Index; Message IDentifier (ATM); Migratory Integrated Data Base; Military Intelligence Detachment 2 Military Intelligence Digest MIDB Modernized Integrated Data Base; Missile Intelligence Directorate; Mobile Information Device; mobile internet device (Yakov); Mobile Internet Device (Artjaazz)
abbr., auto. multi-information display
abbr., avia. modification information document
abbr., bank. Merchant ID (на чеках Araviss)
abbr., comp., net. Multiplex ID (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., ed. Mild Intellectual Disability
abbr., el. macroinstruction detection; magnetically-insulated diode; maritime identification digit; message input device; military intelligence department; module identifier; module interface description; molded interconnection device; MOS image device; multichannel image dissector; multiplexing identifier
abbr., el., scient. Material IDentification
abbr., file.ext. Music format (General MIDI, PlayMidi/SBMidi Vosoni); Music (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
abbr., IT Men In Drag; Music; Multiplexing Identification
abbr., meas.inst. measuring instruments directive (Pothead)
abbr., med. minimally important difference (harser); Middelburg; minimal immunizing dose; minimal infective dose; minimal inhibitory dilution; minimal inhibitory dose; multi-infarct dementia
abbr., med.appl. multiple image display (harser)
abbr., mil. Maritime Identification Digits; Midshipman
abbr., mus. Musical Instrument Digital
abbr., oil matrix identification; moving in derrick
abbr., physiol., med. Minimum Infective Dose; Multi Infarct Dementia
abbr., police Motor Insurance Database
abbr., post Mailer ID (6 digits for IMB)
abbr., scottish Military Intelligence Department of the PLA General Staff (China)
abbr., sec.sys. message identifier
abbr., transp. Motorcycle Input Device
airports, avia. Merida, Mexico
meteorol. Middle East
mil. manpower information division; median incapacitating dose; median infective dose; mentioned in dispatches; military information division; military intelligence detachment; military intelligence division
mil., med. minimum infective dose
tech. message identification; microwave intruder detector; middle infrared
telecom. Message Identifier (ATM, SMDS); Multiplexing Identifier (ATM)
mid [mɪd] adj.
gen. amid
abbr., met. middlings
abbr., oil milled; moulded
Mid [mɪd] abbr.
abbr. middle; Midshipman
abbr., oil Midway
insur. Midship
MIDS [mɪd] abbr.
abbr. Mobile Imagery Dissemination System
mid. abbr.
abbr. middling; midnight
abbr., tech. middle
MIDS [mɪd] adj.
mil. Military Intelligence Detachments (Strategic)
mil., abbr. Military Intelligence Detachments (Strategic)
Mid.: abbr.
abbr. mid. middle
Mid. abbr.
abbr. Midlands
.MID adj.
IT audio/midi
MID [mɪd] abbr.
abbr. message input descriptor
abbr., busin. middling; midnight
abbr., earth.sc. madera irrigation district; merced irrigation district; minimal inhibiting dose; minimum diameter; Modesto Irrigation District; multiple ion detection
abbr., med. minimal infecting dose
abbr., oil mineral identification; minimum inhibiting dose; multiple-ion detection; multiple ion detector
abbr., telecom. mean interruption duration
MID. abbr.
abbr. Middle East Air Navigation Region
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Earth sciences1
Fish farming pisciculture1