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gen. mesurar
comp., MS medida
forestr. medida
IT medida de línea
math. medir
pack. calibrar
| taken in
 take in
gen. aceptar
| advance
IMF. pago anticipado
| of
gen. ante
| an
gen. una
| emergency
tech. accidente
| to
inet. a
| reduce
patents. restringir
| the
gen. el
| loss of life and property
 loss of life and property
meteorol. pérdidas humanas y económicas
| and
gen. e
| to
inet. a
| protect
comp., MS proteger
| a
gen. alguien
| nation
polit. nación
| s
ed. proyecto de ley número XX del Senado de EE.UU
| institutions
gen. establecimiento
| from
inet. desde
| all
math. todos
| types
commun. tipo de imprenta
| of
gen. ante
| hazards
environ. peligros
| through
gen. listo
| a
gen. alguien
| comprehensive
ed. integral
| emergency management
 emergency management
sec.sys. planificación de operaciones de emergencia
| program
patents. programas
| of
gen. ante
| preparedness
health. preparación
| mitigation
health. mitigación
| response
math. respuestas
| and
gen. e
| recovery
IMF. recuperación económica
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
measure ['meʒə] n
gen. mesurar; tacto m
account. medición
chem. grado m
comp., MS medida f (In a cube, a set of values that are usually numeric and are based on a column in the fact table of the cube. Measures are the central values that are aggregated and analyzed)
environ. medidas f
forestr. medida f
IT medida de línea
math. medir
pack. calibrar
stat., nat.sc., chem. valor numérico
textile dosis f; dosificación (verb); dosificar (verb); intervención; disposición
measure ['meʒə] v
construct. dimensionar
IT longitud de línea
measuring ['meʒərɪŋ] v
environ. medida
transp. límite de la gama de medición
transp., tech. calibrado
measures v
gen. medidas
math. mide
measuring The ability of the analytical method or protocol to quantify as well as identify the presence of the substance in question ['meʒərɪŋ] v
environ. medida
 English thesaurus
measure ['meʒə] abbr.
abbr., polym. meas
IT A standard used to evaluate and communicate performance against expected results (Measures are normally quantitative in nature capturing numbers, dollars, percentages, etc., but can also address qualitative information such as customer satisfaction. Reporting and monitoring measures help an enterprise gauge progress toward effective implementation of strategy)
MEASURE ['meʒə] abbr.
abbr., scottish METOC Air, Surface, Undersea Reporting Equipment
Measures taken in: 5 phrases in 5 subjects
Social science1