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Interregional Framework Cooperation Agreement
 Interregional Framework Cooperation Agreement
gen. Acuerdo marco interregional de cooperación
| between
math. entre
| the
gen. el; los; la; las; lo
| European Community
 European Communities
econ. Comunidades Europeas
polit. Comunidades Europeas
 European Community
econ. Comunidad Europea
| and
gen. e
| its
gen. su
Member States | of
gen. ante
| the one
 the one
gen. estotro
| part
gen. número
| and
gen. e
| the
gen. el
| Southern Common Market
 Southern Common Market
econ. Mercado Común del Sur
| and
gen. e
| its
gen. su
| Party
patents. lado
| States
comp., MS condición
| of
gen. ante
| the
gen. el
| other
gen. otro
| part
gen. número

to phrases
Interregional Framework Cooperation Agreement
gen. Acuerdo marco interregional de cooperación
Interregional Framework Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Southern Common Market and its Party States, of the other part
: 1 phrase in 1 subject