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IR [i-] abbr.
abbr. I Remember; Illumination Rate; Immunization Registry; Impulse Response; In Relation; Incident Record; Income Ratio; Index Register; Index Return; Induced Radiation; Industrial Research; Information Requirement; Ingersoll Rand Company; Ingress Router; Initial Radiation; Insert Relation; impulse radio; flight information region; infra-red radiation; infra-red radiometer; infra-red absorption; infra-red reflection; infra-red spectroscopy; Installation Restoration; Institute of Refrigeration; Institutional Research; Instruction Register; Insulin Resistance; Intelligence Information Report; Interaction Region; Interim Release; Internal Replenishment; Internal Revenue; Internal Rotation; International Relations; International Resistor Corporation; International Roaming; Internet Registry; Interregional Research; Interval Restriction; Investigation Report; Investor Relations; Irreducible Representation
abbr., account. inherent risk
abbr., auto. infrared ray remote control unit; interior internal resistance
abbr., automat. industrial robot; information robot
abbr., avia. instrument restricted controlled airspace; Instrument Rating (уровень подготовки пилота, необходимый для выполнения заходов на посадку и посадок в условиях II/III категории ИКАО и взлетов при видимости на ВПП менее 400 м. geseb); implementation rule; inertial reference; instrument rating; instrument runway; integrated range; international reserves; island reserves; low level tactical training route; incidence rate; initial report; inspection representative; inspection request; Iran Air
abbr., avia., amer. IFR military training route
abbr., biotechn. insect resistance
abbr., busin. inspector's rejection
abbr., chem. isoprene rubber (synthetic poly isoprene rubber)
abbr., commun. Integrated Circuit
abbr., dril. Iron Roughneck
abbr., earth.sc. Indian reservation; Indian reserve; infiltration rate; information relevance; information-response system; infrared absorption; instantaneous ratio; inverse regression; ionic radius; Iran Rial; irradiance; irrigation; irrigation-water requirements
abbr., econ. interactive radio; investment relations; index of return (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. illuminating radar; image rejection; image reversal; implementation repository; implicit reservation; incoming register; incoming route; in-diat register; information resource; infrared reflow oven; infrared reflow system; innovation representation; input register; instant replay; instruction ring; intelligent robot; interface remoting; intermediate rate; intermediate reach; intermediate repeater; internal router; International Rectifier Corp.; interrupted ringing; isotropic radiator; interface repository
abbr., electr.eng. instrument readings
abbr., footb. inside right
abbr., genet. intergenic region; ionizing radiation
abbr., hi-fi infrared
abbr., invest. investor relations (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., IT intermediate representation; interrupt register; interrupt request
abbr., lab.eq. Independent Review; Instrument Reference; Intelligence Ratio
abbr., libr. institutional repository
abbr., Makarov. incident report; infrared range
abbr., med. Inferior Rectus (muscle); Intracellular Receptor; immediate release (таблетка с быстрым высвобождением активного вещества - IR tablet inspirado); immunoreactivity (ННатальЯ); inadequate response (отсутствие адекватного ответа Dimpassy); internal reliability; IR Inferior rectus; interventional radiology (ParanoIDioteque); indirect repeat
abbr., meteorol. indirect reduction
abbr., mil. Infantry Regiment (qwarty); information rate; information requirement
abbr., mil., air.def. infrared equipment; infrared sensor; intelligence record
abbr., mil., navy indiscretion rate (вероятность визуального обнаружения (подводной лодки) Шандор)
abbr., mil., WMD infrared spectrometry (ekshu)
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. individual risk; infra red; interactive ratio
abbr., oil hydrocarbon resistivity index; injection rate; inner row (andrushin); improved recovery; Indian Rupee; induction regulator; inductive resistance; infrared absorption spectrometry; infrared spectrometer; intermediate rough; interrogation interrogator responder; intrusive rocks; invention report
abbr., pest.contr. insect resistant
abbr., pharma. index of reactivity (индекс реакционной способности, относится к лекарственым препаратам для специфической иммунотерапии (десенсибилизации) (Patients were randomized to receive once-daily 5-grass pollen sublingual tablets of 100 IR (index of reactivity), 300 IR or 500 IR...) ochernen); instant release (Vadim Rouminsky)
abbr., polit. Iran
abbr., polym. India rubber; insoluble residue; insulation resistance; internal resistance; International Registration; isoprene rubber
abbr., qual.cont. interchangeability and replaceability
abbr., railw. India Railway
abbr., scottish Individual Reinforcement; Infra-Red; Interrogator-Responder; Iran (NATO country code)
abbr., securit. information ratio (指标股收益与跟踪失误损失之比)
abbr., semicond. infared spectroscopy
abbr., space information read; integrity risk
abbr., sport. international referee; inherited runners
abbr., tech. infrared transfer
avia., amer. "I say again" An expression used in radiocommunication meaning "I repeat for clarity or emphasis."
energ.ind. inception report; informal request; initial response; integrated reactor; isotopes research
genet. inverted repeat (dimock)
inf. I am
interntl.trade., abbr. inward remittance
meteorol. ice an runway
mil. illuminator radar; immunization rate; incident rate; increased readiness; independent research; indicator reading; industrial relations; informal report; information report; information request; information requirements; information retrieval; infrared radiation; infrared radiometer; initial release; inspection record; inspection release; inspection report; inspector's report; instrument reading; instrumentation report; instrumentation requirements; intelligence ratio; intelligence report; intelligence requirement; intelligence review; interim report; intermediate range; intermediate register; intermediate review; internal report; internal review; interpretation report; interrogation report; interrogator- responder; interval rate; investigation record
O&G soil voltage drop
tech. image restitution; individual reception; infrared spectroscopy; innovations representation; input ready; integrated rack
TV infrared rays
μIR abbr.
abbr., el. microinstruction register
IR-... abbr.
abbr., AI. infrared...
ir [i-] abbr.
abbr. ice on runway; inland revenue; inside radius; instantaneous relay; intelligence resource; internal resistance
abbr., earth.sc. iron
O&G injection rate ratio; internal rate of return
Ir [i-] abbr.
abbr. immune response; Iridium; Ireland; Irish
Ir. abbr.
abbr. Iraq; Ireland; Irish
IRs [i-] abbr.
abbr., med. incidence rates
: 51 phrases in 9 subjects
Earth sciences5
Pest control1
Remote sensing1