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INCO 1994-1998 abbr.
gen. Programa específico de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico,incluida la demostración,en el sector de la cooperación con terceros países y organizaciones internacionales
 English thesaurus
INCO abbr.
abbr. International Nickel Company; International Nickel Corp.
abbr., avia. installation and checkout; instrumentation and communication officer
abbr., busin. INternational COmmerce (aka INternational COmmerce Terminology fa158)
abbr., earth.sc. International Nickel Company of Canada
abbr., mil., avia. information and control
abbr., mining. International Nickel Corporation
tech. instrumentation and communications officer
Inco abbr.
abbr., oil inoceramus
INCO: 2 phrases in 1 subject