
   English Spanish
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polit. OMI
econ. FAO
polit. UNESCO
polit. OMM
polit. OMS
gen. cual; cuál; el cual; quien
polit. OIEA
| UN
polit. ONU
polit. PNUMA
| Joint
chem. unión
| Group of Experts
 group of experts
gen. grupo de expertos
| on
gen. prendido
| the
gen. el
| Scientific
gen. cientifico
| Aspects
meteorol. lado
| of
gen. ante
| Marine
ed. Infanterìa de Marina
- only individual words found

to phrases
IMO abbr.
polit. OMI
 English thesaurus
IMO abbr.
abbr. Input Manipulation And Output; International Mathematics Olympiad; international money order; International Mathematical Olympiad (wikipedia.org grafleonov)
abbr., auto. immobilizer
abbr., avia. inventory management organization
abbr., el. index-matching oil; Internet marketing office
abbr., hist. International Meteorological Organization
abbr., IT in my opinion (Bricker)
abbr., med. Idiopathic Multicentric Osteolysis
abbr., mil. information management officer
abbr., mil., avia. International Management Organization
abbr., mil., WMD Installation Maintenance Organization
abbr., O&G International Marine Organization (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. international marine maritime organisation
abbr., oil Intergovernmental Maritime Organization; intermediate oxide
abbr., tech. International Maritime Satellite
abbr., UN, biol., sec.sys. International Maritime Organization
mil., abbr. interim management office
tech., abbr. interband magneto-optic effect
imo abbr.
chat. in my opinion
jarg. imitation
IMO/FAO/ UNESCO -IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine
: 2 phrases in 1 subject
Name of organization2