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ILS | course
agric. parte de la rotación
construct. hilada; cordón; carrera; hilera
tech. conducta; pista; plato; proceder; ruta
| surface
ophtalm. superficie

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 English thesaurus
ILS abbr.
abbr. Integrated Library System; International Language School; International Life Saving Federation; Instrument Landing Systems; International Limnological Society; International Lunar Society
abbr., auto. Intelligent Light System
abbr., avia. instrumentation level simulator; integrated instrument system
abbr., busin. indirect least squares
abbr., cartogr. instrument landing system
abbr., chem. ion loss spectroscopy
abbr., comp., net., IT Internet Location Server
abbr., earth.sc. Institute of Lithosphere; International Latitude Service
abbr., ed. Independent Living Skills; Integrated Learning Skills; Integrated Learning System
abbr., ed., scient. Integrated Lab Science
abbr., el. incoherent light-source system; individual line subscriber; inertial laser sensor; infrared lives scanner; injection locked semiconductor (laser); input level supervision; interactive library server; interactive logic simulator; interferometer laser source; international line selector; interrupt level subroutine; instrument-landing system
abbr., el., scient. If Lightning Struck; Intracavity Laser Spectroscopy
abbr., file.ext. International Language Support
abbr., fin. Israeli Shekel
abbr., foreig.aff. instrument landing system
abbr., HF.electr. instrumental landing system
abbr., inet. Internet Locator Service
abbr., IT Information And Learning Systems; Initial Load Segment; intelligent learning system; Inventory Locator Service
abbr., ling. Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS (MichaelBurov)
abbr., logist. Integrated Logistic Support (ssn)
abbr., med. Idiopathic Lymphadenopathy Syndrome; Infrared Liver Scanner; intralobar sequestration; instrument landing system
abbr., meteorol. intermediate leach solution (ixtra)
abbr., mil. Instrument Landing System; Integrated Logistics Support; integrated logistic support
abbr., O&G inline sled (описание по ссылке, русские версии приветствуются http://www.ansys.com/staticassets/ANSYS/staticassets/resourcelibrary/article/AA-V6-I1-Making-the-Connection.pdf masizonenko)
abbr., oil ideal liquids structures; interlayer slippage; ionization loss spectroscopy
abbr., phys. International Linear Collider (MichaelBurov)
abbr., polit. ILO international labour standard
abbr., polym. integrated light scattering
abbr., post In Line Scale (2005)
abbr., R&D. interlaboratory study (igisheva); intralaboratory study (igisheva)
abbr., scottish Improved Logistics System; Integrated Large Screen display; Integrated Logistic Support / System
abbr., sec.sys. inductive limit stop (MichaelBurov); inductive limit switch (MichaelBurov)
abbr., space International Launch Service
abbr., tradem. Integrated Learning Systems
invest. Israeli shekel
mil. identification list; infrared line scanner; instrument landing; integrated logistics support; integrated logistics system; international logistics support
tech. infrared live scanner; instrumentation landing system; integrated living schedule; interferometric laser source
: 13 phrases in 4 subjects