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ICM EUSR | Preparation
gen. preparación; aparejo; preparado
agric. elaboración; trabajo de preparación; trabajo preparatorio; producto
chem. mezcla
footwear preparacion
health. preparaciones
| Team
comp., MS equipo

to phrases
 English thesaurus
ICM abbr.
abbr. Indian Classical Music; Integral Charge-control Model; Integrated Common Modules; Intelligence Collection Management; Intelligence Correlation Module; Intelligent Contact Management (Cisco); intercommunication (short form); International Christian Mission; International Confederation of Midwives; International Creative Management; Inventory Consolidation Manager; Institute for Composite Material; inter-continental missile
abbr., agric. Integrated Crop Management (lyrarosa)
abbr., AI. Intersecting Cortical Model
abbr., auto. ignition control module; Information Control Module (translator911); immobilizer control module; instrument cluster with maintenance interval display; integrated chassis management
abbr., avia. incoming call management; information coordination memo; intelligent composite material; interface control model; institution of configuration management; interface coordination memo; instrument comparison monitor; instrumentation and communication monitor; international missile; investment casting mold
abbr., bank. Integrated Cash Management (либо IT решение для крупных банков, либо организация ICM, LLC. qu3so); Integrated Currency Manager (qu3so)
abbr., biol. embryoblast (MichaelBurov)
abbr., biotechn. inner cell mass (Игорь_2006)
abbr., busin. international currency market
abbr., cytol. inner cell mass (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. incomplete means model; initial conditions model
abbr., econ. international cargo manual
abbr., el. image color matching framework; impulse-code modulation; industrial control module; installable compression manager; instruction control memory; integrated circuit mask; intelligent call management; internal call monitor
abbr., electr.eng. ion current meter
abbr., file.ext. ICC configuration
abbr., fin. international capital markets; international capital market
abbr., fishery integrated coastal management
abbr., immunol. insect culture medium (rebecapologini)
abbr., IT Image Capture Module (aharin); Image Color Matching; Image Compression Manager
abbr., med. Inner Cell Mass; Intelligent Cardiovascular Monitor; International Confederation Of Midwives; Intracellular Multiplication; Isolated Cardiovascular Malformation; idiopathic cardiomyopathy (harser); Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy
abbr., mil. Intelligence Collection Model; image city map; integrated collection management
abbr., mil., avia. improved capability Minuteman
abbr., oil injection-compression molding
abbr., org.name. Intergovernmental Committee for Migration
abbr., physiol. Inter-Costal Margin
abbr., polym. Institute for Composite Materials
abbr., scottish Improved Conventional Munition; Integrated Collection Management; Integrated Countermine system (USA)
abbr., space interim control module
abbr., stat. information and communication management
abbr., tech. Intelligence Community Management; Community Management
abbr., tel. Cisco Unified Intelligent Contact Management (Yakov)
abbr., telecom. incoming message (alex)
abbr., water.res. integrated catchment management
mil. improved capability missile; improved conventional munitions; in-service corrective maintenance; instrumentation and communications monitor; intercontinental cruise missile; intercontinental missile; international control mechanism; inventory control manager
physiol. Intercostal margin
tech. interference control monitor
.icm abbr.
file.ext. Image Color Management (file name extension)
ICM/EUSR Preparation Team
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Obsolete / dated1