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GSM abbr.
comp., MS, mexic. GSM (A digital cellular phone technology (standard) first deployed in 1992. GSM uses narrowband TDMA, which allows eight simultaneous calls on the same radio frequency)
 English thesaurus
GSM abbr.
abbr., auto. gear selector module; gear shift control module
abbr., avia. global systems for mobile communication
abbr., commun. global title; global title translator; gateway mobile switching centre; gateway switching centre
abbr., mil., air.def. general system management
GSM abbr.
abbr. Garrison Sergeant Major; Generalized Second Moment; Generic Simulation Manager; Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric; Global System for Mobile Communication (Vosoni); Global System for Mobile telecommunications; Global Systems for Mobile (communications); Good Shit Man; Good Source Of Money; Great Smokey Mountains Railway; Ground Support Module; Groupe Special Mobile (Fr. Vosoni); grams per square metre; grammes per square metre
abbr., avia. general structure manual; generative shape modeling; global systems for mobile communications
abbr., BrE General Service Medal; Gibbons Stamp Monthly
abbr., busin. general sales manager
abbr., commun. group special mobile
abbr., comp., net. Global System for Mobile communications; grid service mining
abbr., earth.sc. gate setting model; gate stroking model; Geological Survey of Great Britain and Museum of Practical Geology; government standards manual; gravimetric soil moisture
abbr., ed., scient. Graduate School Of Management
abbr., el. generalized scattering matrix; generalized sequential machine; general surface-mount; generic software module; global storage management system; gradient solidification method; graphic size modification; graphics system module; ground signal mixer; ground synthetic management; Pan-European digital cellular land mobile telecommunications system
abbr., file.ext. Global Shared Memory; Global System for Mobile-Communications (network); Global System for Mobiles; Sound (GSM 6.10 prI-ETS 300 036 13kbit/s, Internet phones)
abbr., fin. Global Stabilization Mechanism
abbr., IT Global System for Mobile; Groupe Speciale Mobile; Global System Mobile
abbr., lgbt gender and sexual minorities (Artjaazz)
abbr., mil. Group System Mobile; ground station module
abbr., O&G fuel and lubricants (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil Geological Society of Malaysia; Geological Survey and Museum; good sale & merchantable; Government Standard Manual
abbr., polygr. grammage (13.05)
abbr., polym. good sound marketable
abbr., scottish Granite State Manufacturing (USA); Ground Station Module
abbr., space global system for mobile-communication
abbr., tech. global system of mobile communication
energ.ind. gas separation membrane
mil. general situation map; general stores material; general support maintenance
gsm abbr.
abbr. goods sound merchantable; Grams Per Square Meter (KBorodulina)
construct. Gross Square Meters (Seem)
: 24 phrases in 6 subjects
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