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Final Act
 Final Act
gen. Acta Final
| of
gen. ante
| the United Nations
 the United Nations
UN la organización
| Conference
comp., MS Conferencia
comp., MS mexic. conferencia
org.name. Conferencia de la FAO
patents. sesión; reunión
polit. conferencia
| of
gen. ante
| Plenipotentiaries
fin. plenipotenciario
| on
gen. prendido
| the
gen. el
| Status
social.sc. condición social
| of
gen. ante
| Refugees
polit. refugiado
| and
gen. e
| Stateless Persons
 stateless person
econ. apátrida

to phrases
Final Act
gen. Acta Final
law acta final
Final Act of the United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons
: 26 phrases in 7 subjects
Energy industry1
Government, administration and public services1
International law2
United Nations1