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FRP abbr.
abbr. Fast Reliable Personal; Federal Real Property; Financial Resource Planning; Food Resource Points; Fuel Rail Pressure; Financial Rules and Procedures; Federal Response Plan; Fuel Reprocessing Plant; female of reproductive potential (Stepney); fibre-glass reinforced plastics
abbr., auto. fiberglass reinforced plastic; fuel rail pressure; fuel return pipe
abbr., avia. Fresh Water Bay, Alaska USA; floor related plane; federal radio-navigation plan; fibre reinforced plastics; flight refuelling probe; facilities requirements plan; fiber reinforce plastic; fiberglass reinforce plastic; flight refueling probe
abbr., bodybuild. fire-resistant pit
abbr., busin. fibreglass-reinforced plastics; freezing point
abbr., chem. free radical polymerization
abbr., construct. fiberglass-reinforced plastic (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. factor relative palawija method; fiberglass reinforced polyester; filterable reactive phosphorous
abbr., EBRD final review package (raf)
abbr., ecol. Facility Response Plan (Anastasiya Lyaskovets)
abbr., el. fast reservation protocol; fast resolution protocol; Federal Radionavigation Plan; field repetition rate; frame relay partitioning
abbr., energ.ind. nulear fuel-reprocessing plant
abbr., fin. finance resource planning (Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., IT FormFlow Form
abbr., karate. Panel of Experts on the Machinery for the Establishment of International Fares and Rates
abbr., med. Follicle-stimulating Hormone Releasing Protein; Functional Refractory Period
abbr., met. flat-rolled product (Business_Translating); flat-rolled products (Business_Translating)
abbr., mil. Federal response plan (USG); Fibergalss Reinforced Plastic; Fixed Reception Pattern; Forces Reduction Programme; Full Rate Production; full-rate production
abbr., mil., avia. feature recognition processor
abbr., mil., navy fleet response plan (Андатра)
abbr., O&G, oilfield. fracture reopening pressure (tat-konovalova)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. Fast Response Pod (на системе управления ПВО Yuzhno10)
abbr., oil fiberglass-reinforced pipe
abbr., polym. fiber-reinforced plastic; filament-reinforced plastic; fiber glass reinforced plastic
abbr., progr. functional reactive programming (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., railw. Fullerton Railway Plaza; fiberglass-reinforced plastics
abbr., scottish Functional Review Process
abbr., silic. fibrous-glass-reinforced plastic (s)
abbr., space fibre-reinforced plastics
abbr., sport. Fantasy Role Playing
abbr., tech. Fibreglass Reinforced Polyester (aharin); fiber reinforced plastics; flap reference plane; fuselage reference plane
abbr., textile fiberglass reinforced plastics
abbr., transp. Fiberglass Reinforced Panels
build.mat. Fiberglass Reinforced Plywood
mil. feature recognition processor; fleet replacement pilot; force rendezvous point; forward refueling point; fragmentation bomb, parachute
polym. fiber-glass reinforced plastic; Fiber Reinforced Polyester; Fibre Reinforced Polyester
polym., plast. fibreglass reinforced plastic; Fiber Reinforced Plastic; Fiber Reinforced Polymer; Fibre Reinforced Plastic
tech. failure replacement policy; fiber glass reinforced plastics; flag register processing; frequency response plotter
telecom. Fragmentation Protocol (VINES)
Frp abbr.
abbr. modified particle-Froude number; particle-Froude number
FrP abbr.
abbr., dril. French patent
FRp abbr.
abbr., soil. plinthic ferralsol