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noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
fit [fɪt] n
med. acceso m; ataque m
fit [fɪt] v
gen. sentar 128 ; acomodar; adaptar
bank. cuadrar; equiparar
comp. encajar
comp., MS ajuste m (One of the criteria used for evaluating the success of a data mining algorithm. Fit is typically represented as a value between 0 and 1, and is calculated by taking the covariance between the predicted and actual values of evaluated cases and dividing by the standard deviations of the same predicted and actual values); idoneidad (Something that fits, or is suitable or appropriate, for a situation)
health. encaje
math. caber
med. crisis; ataque brusco
tech. adaptación; ajuste
textile ajustamiento
transp., mech.eng. regulación
to fit [fɪt] v
commun., met. ajustar
industr., construct., mech.eng. preparar una sierra
fitter ['fɪtə] adj.
industr., construct. armador
transp., mech.eng. ajustador
 English thesaurus
FIT [fɪt] abbr.
abbr. fault isolation test; Federal Information Technologies, inc.; Field Interactive Training; Fit and Independent Traveler; Fitness Introductory Training; Flagship Initiative Training (Karabas); Flexibility Inclusiveness And Teambuilding; Flexible Innovative And Trainable; Flinders Innovative Technology; Food Internet and Television; For Information Translation; Form Interactive Technology; Future Infantry Technologies; raintight; real time
abbr., commer. Fault Isolation Tree
abbr., EBRD Financial Institutions Team
abbr., file.ext. File Index Table (Windows NT); File Information Table; Flexible Image Transport System Graphics and data; Graphic format (FITS Vosoni)
abbr., med. Fart In Transit (gas Seen In The Intestines On An Abdominal Film); fecal immunochemical test (harser); Functional Interdisciplinary And Therapeutic
abbr., mil., WMD field investigation team
abbr., nautic. Free In Trimmed
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. fabrication-in-transit
abbr., O&G, sakh. First Intervention team
abbr., oil formation integrity test (andrushin); formation interval flow test; formation interval tester
abbr., opt. flexible infrared transmission
abbr., progr. Framework for Integrated Tests (ssn)
mil. far-infrared tracking; field installation test; field integrated tests; forward inspection team
tech. fabrication, integration and test; failure in 109 component hours; far-infrared track; fault isolation testing; fixed interval timer; flexible-infrared transmissive waveguide; flight instrument trainer; flow indicator transmitter; functional integration test
fit [fɪt] abbr.
abbr. fighter; fitting-out; free of income tax
FIT [fɪt] abbr.
abbr. function-independent testing; Federal Income Tax; Fireman In Training; Focused Industry Training; Foreign Independent Travel; Frequent Independent Traveller; Fully Inclusive Tour; Fully Independent Traveller
abbr., agric. Farm Implements and Tools
abbr., avia. Flight Information Terminal; flight inspection technologist; fan inlet temperature; fault initiated test; first computer interface tester; failure in testing (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., IT Failures In Time
abbr., ed., scient. Faculty Of Information Technology
abbr., el. failure-in-time (rate); finite integration technique; floating input transistor; Fourier infrared transmission; frame interline transfer (structure); function independent testing; failures per interval of time; failure in 109 component hours; frame interlace transfer
abbr., el., scient. Failure unit; Filtering Integration Technology
abbr., energ.ind. feed-in tariff (MichaelBurov)
abbr., inet. Fashion Institute Of Technology
abbr., IT Folding Integrated Technology; Forum For Information Technology
abbr., law Females In Trouble
abbr., med. Fracture Intervention Trial (MichaelBurov)
abbr., media. Film Industry Training
abbr., mil. Force Integration Training; First In Training; Flight In Training
abbr., mil., air.def. far infrared track
abbr., mil., avia. facility for interoperability testing
abbr., O&G wireline formation test
abbr., plast. flash ignition temperature
abbr., progr., IT Flexible Image Transport; Framework For Integrated Tests
abbr., scient. Frequency Intensity Time
abbr., sport. Focusing In Technique
abbr., st.exch. Fab Industries, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Focused Individual Training
fit [fɪt] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. filter
biol. filter; filtration
Fit [fɪt] abbr.
abbr. fitting
Fit. abbr.
abbr. fitting
FIT [fɪt] abbr.
abbr., avia. filament; flexible interface technique
abbr., busin. fitting; foreign independent tour; free into truck; foreign travel tax
abbr., earth.sc. Fourier Integral Transform; front, intertropical
abbr., exhib. free independent traveler
abbr., oil fast inspection of tool; federal income tax; feed injection technology; field installation time; first indication of trouble; fluid identification tool; free in truck
abbr., pharma. Fact Finding Investigation Team (AlSeNo)
abbr., space failure in time
abbr., swim. fast interval training
abbr., textile Fashion Institute of Technology
: 215 phrases in 40 subjects
Cultural studies2
Earth sciences1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Health care2
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology8
International Monetary Fund15
Labor law6
Loading equipment1
Machine tools3
Materials science2
Mechanic engineering6
Municipal planning1
Natural sciences1
Pharmacy and pharmacology2
United Nations2