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FFL abbr.
comp., MS registro en archivo plano (The process of creating an event log that is written to a UTF-8 formatted text file)
 English thesaurus
FFL abbr.
abbr. Federal Firearms Licence; female flared; field failure; flip-flop latch
abbr., avia. Fairfield, Iowa USA; flip flop latch
abbr., construct. finished floor level (Yakov)
abbr., ed. Friends For Life
abbr., el. flat fluorescent lamp; free-form language
abbr., law Federal Firearm License; Federal Firearms License
abbr., mil., avia. fast flow laser
abbr., oil final fluid level (andrushin); flowing fluid level
abbr., opt. front focal length
abbr., scottish Light frigate or corvette
abbr., shipb. free fall launching
abbr., sport. Faaberg Fotball Lillehammer; Fantasy Fishing League
met. Finished Floor
mil. Corvette
NGO Feminists for Life