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Electronic Funds Transfer
fin. Transferencia Electrónica de Fondos (EFT, por sus siglas en inglés)
electronic funds transfer
comp., MS transferencia electrónica de fondos (The transfer of funds from one organization's bank account to another organization's bank account, using an electronic intermediary)
econ. dinero electrónico
fin., IT transferencia electronica de fondos (EFT, por sus siglas en inglés)
real.est. transferencia electrónica de fondos
Electronic Fund Transfer
fin., IT Transferencia electrónica de fondos
 English thesaurus
electronic funds transfer
IT The exchange of money via telecommunications. EFT refers to any financial transaction that originates at a terminal and transfers a sum of money from one account to another
Electronic Funds Transfer: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
Information technology2
Name of organization1