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ETR abbr.
abbr. Evaporator Temperature Regulator; Experimental Test Reactor; electronic termo regulator (электронный терморегуляр, терморегулятор с электронным управлением nikolkor); External Technical Report
abbr., auto. electronically tuned receiver; electronically tuned radio receiver; emergency tensioning retractor
abbr., avia. emergency test request; engine thrust request; engineering template repository; entertainment tape reproducer; essential tie relay; estimated time for refueling
abbr., drug.name Etravirine
abbr., earth.sc. eastern test range (USA); engineering test report; evapotranspiration ratio
abbr., el. early token release; easy to reach; effective test rate; electron trapping rate; EMC test room; expected time of response
abbr., el., scient. Estimated Time of Repair
abbr., IT Estimated Time Of Recovery; Extended Tag RAM
abbr., lab.eq. ellipsometric tube rater (igisheva); ellipsometric tube rating (igisheva)
abbr., logist. Estimated Time of Readiness; Expected Time of Readiness
abbr., med. effective thyroxine ratio
abbr., mil. Eastern Test Range; Embedded Training Requirements; Estimated Time of Return; Estimated Time to Repair; export traffic release
abbr., oil effective tax rate (serz); early time regime (region); efficiency transformation ratio; electronic time recorder; engineering test record
abbr., pharm. etravirine (этравирин Dimpassy)
abbr., polit. eco-tax reform
abbr., qual.cont. engineering test request
abbr., railw. Essex Terminal Railway
abbr., scottish Electric Target Range; Engineered To Reliance
abbr., st.exch. Entergy Corporation
abbr., tech. engineering test requirements
abbr., water.suppl. Equal Transit Rate
energ.ind. energy tax reduction; engineering test reactor
mil. electronic trouble report; encrypted traffic report; estimated time of refueling; estimated time of repair; estimated time of return; even training ratio; expected time of return
tech. electron tube rectifier; electronics technician, radar; engineering testing reactor; environmental test report; equipment temporarily removed; expected time to repair; external timing register
ETr abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. reference evapotranspiration