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ESM [,i : es’em] abbr.
abbr. Educational Service Manager; Electronic Warfare Support Measures: 2 Electronic Support Measures; External Storage Module (Sun)
abbr., auto. electronic selector module; electronic shift management; electronic suspension module; engineering standard manual
abbr., avia. escort mission; engine shop manual
abbr., comp., net. Enterprise Storage Manager; Ethernet Switching Module
abbr., construct. ends standard matched
abbr., earth.sc. Earth Station-Mexico; electron spectrometer; engineering schedule memo; engineering service memo; engineering standards manual; Eratosthenes Sea Mount
abbr., EBRD environmental screening memorandum (raf)
abbr., el. electronic signal measurement; electron scattering mechanism; electrostatic synchronous motor; enterprise security manager; environmental system monitor; epitaxial shadow mask; error service message; extended semiconductor memory; external security manager
abbr., el., scient. Electronic service manual
abbr., EU. European Stability Mechanism (ВВладимир)
abbr., fin. European Stabilization Mechanism
abbr., HF.electr. electronic support measure
abbr., IT Enterprise Systems Management; European Multimedia Services; Enterprise Security Management
abbr., mech.eng. electric electro synthetic method
abbr., med. European Society For Microcirculation; Emergency Sports Medicine (Ying); ejection systolic murmur
abbr., mil. Electronic Sensing Measures; Electronic Support Measures; Emission Sensing Monitor; Electronic-warfare Support Measures; expeditionary site mapping; Elevation Sight Monitor
abbr., mil., air.def. electronic security measure; electronic surveillance and measurement; electronic warfare support measure
abbr., nano electrochemical strain microscopy (mafina)
abbr., O&G, tengiz. electrical standby mode (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil electric synthetic method; electron scanning microscope; enhanced safety management (program)
abbr., op.syst. Extended Security Maintenance (rasskazov)
abbr., org.name. Evaluation Steering Mechanism
abbr., polym. elastomeric shield material
abbr., relig. English Service Ministry
abbr., scottish Elastomeric Solid Material; Electronic Signals Monitoring; Electronic Stores Measures; Electronic Support / Surveillance Measures
abbr., space electronic surveillance monitoring; environmental systems monitor; equipment support module
abbr., subm. electronic-sensor mast (Val_Ships)
abbr., tradem. Electrical Systems Management, Ltd.
airports, avia. Esmeraldas, Ecuador
mil. effectiveness simulation model; electronic security measures; electronic signal monitoring; electronic support measures; engineering support memorandum; EW support measures
tech. electromagnetic support measures; electronic surveillance measures; electronic switch module; electronic warfare support measures; energy storage modulator; evaporated and sputtered multilayer
esm [,i : es’em] abbr.
abbr. electrostatic memory
ESM: 4 phrases in 2 subjects