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ENP | Action Plan
 action plan
health. plan de acción

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 English thesaurus
ENP abbr.
abbr., avia. estimated normal payload; exhaust nozzle position
abbr., econ. ENP policy (MichaelBurov); European Neighborhood & Partnership policy (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed. Elderly Nutrition Programs
abbr., el. electronic news processing
abbr., med. Ethyl-p-nitrophenylthiobenzene Phosphate; Excellence For Nursing Practice; Extractable Nucleoprotein
abbr., neurol. Extraversion Neuroticism And Psychoticism
abbr., oil effective net pay; epithermal neutron log; epithermal neutron porosity
abbr., polit. European Neighbourhood Policy
abbr., tech. Electroless Nickel Plating (bonly)
comp., IT Enable Presentation
ENP Action Plan
: 2 phrases in 1 subject