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noun | noun | to phrases
dashboard ['dæʃbɔ:d] n
load.equip. salpicadero m (n.m.)
load.equip., mexic. fascia f; tablero m
load.equip., span. cuadro de mandos
mexic. fascia f (n.f.); tablero de instrumentos (n.m.); tablero m (n.m.)
span. cuadro de mandos (n.m.)
dashboard ['dæʃbɔ:d] n
comp., MS panel de información (A customizable landing page for a business application or workspace that uses Web Parts to display selected information. It can provide a comprehensive look at the information inside the application or workspace by consolidating lists, libraries, text, images and other data into a dynamic, customizable information portal); panel m (A set of reports or other data that is arranged in a panel format on a single page, or series of pages, in a web browser or SharePoint site)
transp. tablero de instrumentos
transp., tech., law salpicadero m; tablero de control
 English thesaurus
dashboard ['dæʃbɔ:d] abbr.
abbr., avia. dash
IT A tool for setting expectations for an enterprise at each level of responsibility and continuous monitoring of the performance against set targets
Dashboard: 27 phrases in 4 subjects