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Cubs n
baseb. Cachorros m
cub [kʌb] n
gen. cachorro m
 English thesaurus
Cubs n
sport., abbr. C
CUB [kʌb] abbr.
abbr. Check Under Basket; Crappy Useless Beer; cubicle
abbr., austral. Carlton and United Breweries Ltd
abbr., avia. clean up buck; cost upper bound
abbr., ed., scient. Compton Union Building; University of Colorado at Boulder
abbr., el. capacitor under bitline (cell); central unit buffer; cursor back
abbr., el., scient. Central utility building
abbr., geogr. Cuba
abbr., IT cursor backward
abbr., media. Council for UHF Broadcasting
abbr., mil. commander's update briefing
abbr., sport. Concordia University Baseball
abbr., tradem. Carlton And United Breweries
AMEX., st.exch. Cubic Corporation
CUBS abbr.
abbr. Completely Useless By Spring
abbr., ed., scient. Counseling And Understanding By Students
abbr., sport. Can't Understand Baseball Strategy; Completely Useless By September
cub [kʌb] abbr.
abbr., oil cubic
abbr., sport. cubital a.
Cub [kʌb] abbr.
abbr. cube
abbr., earth.sc. cubanite
cub. abbr.
abbr. cubic (Vosoni)
CuB [kʌb] abbr.
abbr., med. copper band
Cubs: 6 phrases in 2 subjects