
   English Spanish
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gen. congreso; convención
comp., MS convención
environ. convenio; convenio
| on
gen. prendido; encendido
| the
gen. el
| accession
law   acceso
| of
gen. ante
| the Kingdom of Spain
 the Kingdom of Spain
polit. el Reino de España
| and
gen. e
| the Portuguese Republic
 the Portuguese Republic
polit. la República Portuguesa
| to
inet. a
| the
gen. el
| Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
 Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
law fin. Convenio de Bruselas
| and
gen. e
| to
inet. a
| the
gen. el
| Protocol
bank. protocolo
| on
gen. prendido
| its
gen. su
| interpretation
fin. interpretaciónes
| by
patents. por
| the
gen. el
| Court of Justice
 court of justice
patents. tribunal
| with
gen. con
| the
gen. el
| adjustments
comp., MS ajuste
| made
gen. confección
| to
inet. a
| them
gen. ellas
| by
patents. por
| the
gen. el
| Convention
environ. convenio
| on
gen. prendido
| the
gen. el
| accession
law   acceso
| of
gen. ante
| the Kingdom of Denmark
 the Kingdom of Denmark
polit. el Reino de Dinamarca
| of
gen. ante
| Ireland
econ. Irlanda
| and
gen. e
| of
gen. ante
| the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
polit. el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
| and
gen. e
| the
gen. el
| adjustments
comp., MS ajuste
| made
gen. confección
| to
inet. a
| them
gen. ellas
| by
patents. por
| the
gen. el
| Convention
environ. convenio
| on
gen. prendido
| the
gen. el
| accession
law   acceso
| of
gen. ante
| the Hellenic Republic
 the Hellenic Republic
polit. la República Helénica
- only individual words found

to phrases
convention [kən'venʃ(ə)n] n
gen. congreso m; convención
comp., MS convención (A rule that describes how to model a class with the Entity Framework)
environ. convenio m
conventions n
IT convenciones f
convention International agreement on a specific topic n
environ. convenio m
 English thesaurus
convention [kən'venʃ(ə)n] n
lit. A literary rule, practice or custom, which has been established through frequent and common usage in texts.
Convention on the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of: 1 phrase in 1 subject