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CRP abbr.
abbr. C-reactive protein; Climate Change and Variability Research Program; Conference Room Pilot; Candidate Rendezvous Point (PIM, RP, Multicast); class room pilot (Yakov); Common Reference Platform (PowerPC); crimp; Creoles and Pidgins (Other); capacity requirements planning
abbr., afr. Centre de Recherches Pédagogiques
abbr., agric. Crop Residue Program
abbr., amer. Committee to Reelect the President
abbr., anim.husb. C reactive protein
abbr., auto. earphone
abbr., avia. Corpus Christi, Texas USA; conference room pilot; Consignment Replenishment Program; compulsory reporting point; change request proposal; configuration requirements processing; cushion reference point; customer request proposal; customer request procedure
abbr., bank. credit card payment (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp. card reader/punch
abbr., comp., net. Cambridge ring protocol
abbr., earth.sc. capital recovery period; conservation resource program; cosmic ray particle
abbr., econ. country risk premium (spanishru)
abbr., ed. Core Reading Program
abbr., el. call request packet; chromium-rich passivation; Clean Room Products, Inc.; command repeat; Compton recoil particle; computer reset pulse; conflict resolution protocol; creative research program; currently recommended alternate path
abbr., exhib. continuous replenishment program
abbr., genet. coordinated research project
abbr., gyrosc. counter-rotational platform
abbr., health. Collaborative Registration Procedure (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., hydrogr. common reference point (VVPro)
abbr., IT Corel Presents Run-time Presentation; Visual dBASE Custom Report; channel request priority; configuration report program
abbr., lab.eq. C-Reactive Protein
abbr., Makarov. carbon fiber reinforced plastics; contrarotating propellers
abbr., med. C-reactive Protein; Cross-reacting Protein; C-reactive protein (snowleopard); cross reacting protein; comeal-retinal potential
abbr., media. Circular Polarization
abbr., met. compact rail production
abbr., mil. Command Readiness Program; Cost Reduction Program; control and reporting post; cost reduction programme
abbr., mil., avia. center reference point
abbr., mil., WMD community relations plans
abbr., mol.biol. cAMP receptor protein (Игорь_2006); collagen-related peptide (Conservator)
abbr., oil common reflection point; combined refining process; Common ray parameter (gather); common reception points; constant ray parameter; counter rotating platform
abbr., org.name. Coordinated Research Programme
abbr., plast. carbon fibre reinforced plastic; carbon reinforced plastics
abbr., polym. controlled radical polymerization
abbr., product. capacity requirement planning (Метран)
abbr., R&D. coordinated research program (MichaelBurov)
abbr., scottish Control/Command & Reporting Post
abbr., securit. certified risk professional
abbr., shipb. contrarotating propeller
abbr., space contingency recovery procedure
abbr., sport. Computer Role Play
abbr., tech. contra rotating propeller; counter-rotating propellers
abbr., tradem. Continental Rubber Products
ecol., abbr. conservation reserve program
energ.ind. control of reactor power
energ.ind., abbr. control rod position; coordinated research program
mil., abbr. center reference point; combat reconnaissance platoon; combat reporting post; command readiness program; communications security resources program; community relations program; constant rate of penetration; cooperative research program; coordinated reconnaissance plan; cost reduction program
tech., abbr. common receiver point; contra rotating propellers; coordinated research projects
CrP abbr.
abbr., chem. creatine phosphate
CRp abbr.
abbr. Complete remission in the absence of total recovery (Михай ло)
CRP: 2 phrases in 1 subject