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cap [kæp] n
agric., mech.eng. carrera f
auto. tapa f (e.g. lid, tapón)
bot. caperuza f
econ. tope m; tope de las tasas de interés
el. terminal externo; casquete m; zoquete m; capacitancia f
fin. tipo de nivelación
IMF. tasa de interés máxima; tope de la tasa de interés; contrato de garantía de tasa máxima
meteorol. capa de inversión; capa estable; capa estable limitante; capa estable sobre aire inestable
pack. cierre m; obturador m; cápsula f (1. envase, 2. medio de cierre); capsular; tapa de cierre; tapa de obturación
tech. capucha f; tapadera f; cabezal m; cofia f; cubierta f; dintel m; tapa f; techo m; travesaño m
UN, geol. cima f
capping ['kæpɪŋ] v
gen. cubierta
agric. apelmazarse; opérculo
econ., met. capsular; estañolar
environ. impermeabilización superficial
fin. presión vendedora
industr., construct. taponado
med. caperuza; gorra
caps headwear [kæps] v
gen. birretes bonetes; casquetes; cofias; gorros
to cap [kæp] v
industr., construct., met. sacar
caps [kæps] v
fin., econ. riesgo límite; tope
cap [kæp] abbr.
gen. gorra; gorro; tapadero; tapador; tapar
agric. cabeza; capa; sombrero; capuchón; capitel; montera; opercular
agric., mech.eng. zuncho
coal. opérculo
commer., transp. cápsula de cierre
el. zócalo; capacete; casquillo
fin. techo de tipo de interés
hobby gorra de caza
industr., construct. corona
industr., construct., met. bóveda del conducto; bóveda del quemador; calota
law, min.prod. cresta
mater.sc. tapón
mech.eng. tapón roscado
mun.plan. cápsula
real.est. límite máximo; tope máximo
transp., mech.eng. funda
UN, geol. cimas
to cap [kæp] abbr.
agric. opercular
industr., construct., met. tronzar
 English thesaurus
CAP [kæp] abbr.
abbr. cyclic AMP receptor protein
abbr., adv. Canadian Associated Press; Committee of Advertising Practice
abbr., AI. computer-aided planning
abbr., anim.husb. chloro-acetoxy progesterone; Committee on Agricultural Policies (ECE); 6-chloro-6-17-acetoxy-progesterone
abbr., avia. civil aviation products; commercial aviation products; common avionics processor; computer aided programming; contractor acquired acquire property; contract authorized proposal; cost account package; cost account plan
abbr., meteorol. catabolic gene activity protein; College of American Pathologists; Cyclophosphanum, Adriamycinum, Cisplatin; Cyclophosphanum, Adriamycinum, Platinol; cystine aminopeptidase
abbr., mil., avia. Canadian Aircraft Products
abbr., O&G, oilfield. casing annulus packer (Yerkwantai)
abbr., oil corporate accounting principles (NPSZRK)
abbr., textile computer aided pattern
cap [kæp] abbr.
abbr., chess.term. captain of a team
abbr., libr. foolscap
abbr., med., lat. capiat
fin. cap
inf. captain (MichaelBurov)
Cap [kæp] abbr.
abbr., med. ∑-aminocaproic acid
caps. abbr.
abbr. capitals; capsule
CAP [kæp] abbr.
abbr., auto. camshaft position; College Automotive Program; crank angular position
abbr., med. cAMP receptor
CAP [kæp] abbr.
abbr. computer-aided planning; cost-awareness program; Contract, Asset and Procurement Committee ( Комитет по контрактам, активам и закупкам  Divina); Civil Air Patrol; Campus Access Point; Carrierless Amplitude Phase (modulation, ADSL, AT&T); Change Acceleration Process; Collected And Assessed Problem; Committee on Accounting Procedure (Lavrov); Common Agricultural Program (Vladimir71); Computer Aided Planning (CIM); Consolidated Appeals Process (Простите, коллеги! но это так и называется... www.ocha.ru (УКГВ ООН) Vladimir71); Cytoskeleton Associated Proteins; CAPsula CAPsule
abbr., account. chargeable accounting period
abbr., agric. controlled atmosphere packing
abbr., agric., econ. Common Agricultural Policy
abbr., airports Civil Aviation Publication (AllaR)
abbr., astronaut. C-Adapter Platform (semfromshire)
abbr., automat. computer-aided production; computer access processor
abbr., avia. Career Achievement Portfolio; corrective action plan; corrective action programs; computer aided publishing (Interex)
abbr., avia., Canada Canada Air Pilot
abbr., avia., med. cyclic alternating pattern
abbr., biochem. catabolite activator protein (iwona)
abbr., biol. coronary artery pressure
abbr., busin. capacitor; capitalization; cash against policy
abbr., commer. Contractor Acquired Property
abbr., commun. CAMEL Application Part
abbr., comp. Cellular Array Processor (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net. contention access period; communications access processor; communication access point; competitive access providers
abbr., desert. catabolite gene activation protein
abbr., earth.sc. capillary arc-plasma; Central Amazonian Province; chlor acetophenone; chloro acetophenone; climate application programme; Coastal Andhra Pradesh (India); Continental Africa Project
abbr., econ. consolidated appeals process
abbr., el. call analysis program; capacitance analysis programs package; card assembly program; carrier amplitude phase (data encoding technology); carrierless amplitude-modulation, phase-modulation; chain addition program; channel access protocol; channel assignment problem; code analysis processor; communications analysis package; communications applications processor; computer-aided preparation; computer-aided probe; computer-aided process; computer-aided publisher; computer-assisted printing; content access point; cut and paste; customer administration panel; computerized attendant's position; carrierless amplitude-phase (modulation)
abbr., engl. computer aided planning
abbr., file.ext. Caption (Ventura Publisher); Carrierless Amplitude and Phase-Modulation; Compressed music file; Session capture file (ProComm - Telix)
abbr., fin. common agricultural policy; Common Agricultural Policy of the European Community
abbr., IT computer-assisted publishing; controlled access protection; Carrierless Amplitude Phase modulation; computer-aided publishing
abbr., manag. ex capital expenditure; contract award price
abbr., med. catabolite gene activator protein; controlled attenuation parameter; Camptodactyly-arthropathy-pericarditis (syndrome); Carcinoma Of The Prostate; Catabolite Gene Activator Protein; Cellular Acetate Propionate; Community-acquired pneumonia (Elmitera); community acquired pneumonia (Игорь_2006)
abbr., med.appl. customer acceptance procedure (harser)
abbr., mil. civil augmentation program; combat air patrol; configuration and alarm panel; crisis action planning; Competitive Access Provider
abbr., mil., WMD Chemical Activity, Pacific
abbr., mol.biol. catabolic activator protein (Игорь_2006)
abbr., multimed. carrierless amplitude/phase modulation
abbr., neur.net. credit assignment problem (clck.ru dimock)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Concern, Action, Perspective
abbr., O&G. tech. Critical Alarm Panel (Панель критических аварийных сигналов ElviVine)
abbr., oil compression and absorption plant; capillary arc plasma; Capitanian; casing annulus packers; chlorinated atactic polypropylene; clean air package; colour amplitude-phase; computer analysis and programming; computer-aided programming; computerized analysis and placement; condition assessment program; contract required property; control anticipation parameter; country action plan; cycloalkanoporphyrin; caliper log
abbr., org.name. procedimiento de llamamientos unificados
abbr., pharm. cellulose acetate phthalate (Игорь_2006)
abbr., pharma. centrally authorised product (a medicine with a single marketing authorisation issued by the European Commission and valid across the European Union CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., physiol. compound action potential (MichaelBurov); Capsule
abbr., plann. Critical Assumptions Planning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_assumption_planning kotechek)
abbr., police Candidate Advancement Program (in LAPD; The Candidate Advancement Program (CAP) has the following purpose: To assist the candidate in attaining a satisfactory level of physical fitness. To assist the candidate in achieving a passing score on the Physical Abilities Test Taras)
abbr., polym. chloracetophenone; cellulose acetate propionate
abbr., post Corporate Automation Plan
abbr., pulm. community-acquired pneumonia (Игорь_2006)
abbr., qual.cont. continuous audit procedure
abbr., scottish Capacity; Centre Aeroporte de Toulouse (France); Chloroacetophenone (Tear gas); Combat Aircraft Prototype programme (USA); Combat Ammunition Production (USAF); Conventional Armaments Plan (NATO)
abbr., sec.sys. common action programme
abbr., space carrier air patrol; carrierless amplitude and phase modulation; component acceptance procedure; computer application program; contract acquired property; controlled acceleration propulsion; crew activity plan
abbr., tax. Collection Appeals Progra (источник - https://www.irs.gov/Russian/Споры-в-связи-с-взысканием-средств dimock); Collection Appeals Program (источник - https://www.irs.gov/Russian/Споры-в-связи-с-взысканием-средств dimock)
abbr., telecom. circuit access point; concentrator access point
abbr., UN Consolidated Appeal Process
abbr., USA Climate Action Plan (pkat89)
biochem., abbr. Chloramphenicol
med. chronic abdominal pain (gnev)
med., abbr. catabolite activator protein
mil. Capabilities
mil., abbr. centralized assignment procedure; chief aviation pilot; chloroacetophenone; civil air patrol; cleared as planned; combat aircraft prototype; combined action platoon; combined action program; command analysis pattern; commander's audit program; commencing at a point; communications afloat program; community alert patrol; computerized assignment of personnel; contingency amphibious plan; contract administration panel; contractor-acquired property; control and authorization process; cost analysis plan; current assessment plan; Capability
polym. computer aided production
st.exch. competitive advantage period (dimock)
tech., abbr. cable access point; cleaner air package; codes and paging; continuous audit program; corrective action program; cryogenic associative processor; crystalline anisotropy field; current amplification factor
cap [kæp] abbr.
abbr. capital (Vosoni); captured; fools-cap (paper size Vosoni)
austral. capitalize
automat. capacitance
inf. captain (MichaelBurov)
med. capsule (Vosoni)
O&G capture
polygr. capital letter
Cap [kæp] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. capitulum
abbr., oil Capitan
fin. customer approved payment
lat. Capricornus (the Capricorn, Козерог Vosoni)
mil. continuous airborne patrol
tradem. Cia de Acero dal Pacifico SA (Чили)
cap. abbr.
abbr. capacitance; capacity; captain
abbr., earth.sc. capital
abbr., med. capsule
IT capacitor
Cap. abbr.
abbr. Chapter
Cypr. Companies Law Cap. 113 (4uzhoj)
lat. Capitulum (Little Chapter Breviary)
.cap abbr.
file.ext. Capture (file name extension)
capy [kæp] abbr.
qual.cont. capacity
: 656 phrases in 56 subjects
Antennas and waveguides7
Cables and cable production2
Earth sciences7
Health care5
Hobbies and pastimes2
Information technology2
International Monetary Fund9
Labor law1
Life sciences6
Lighting other than cinema1
Materials science32
Mechanic engineering51
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Natural sciences14
Pest control1
Physical sciences1
Real estate3
Soil science2
Textile industry3
United Nations1
Weapons and gunsmithing1