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Bz abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. buzzer
abbr., oil benzoin
Bz. abbr.
abbr. benzene nucleus; benzine; benzoyl (radical); benzyl
abbr., chem. benzene; benzoin
BZ abbr.
abbr. Big Zip; British Zone; Brookfield Zoo; Bonanza (автобусная компания Yakov); Belize
abbr., chem. benzene
abbr., expl. benzoyl radical
abbr., file.ext. Compressed file archive (bzip)
abbr., food.ind. Boney Zwane
abbr., germ., auto. Brennstoffzelle
abbr., IT Compressed file archive
abbr., math., scient. Big Zero
abbr., mil. Battle Zone; Bravo Zulu; 'Bravo Zulu' - USN signal meaning "well-done" (View "Bravo Zulu" flags; formerly TVG); benzodiazepine (colorless, ordorless incapacitant with hallucinogenic propeties, first used by the United States in Vietnam Olga Okuneva)
abbr., mil., avia. benzol
abbr., mil., WMD breathing zone
abbr., phys., scient. Band Zero; Brillouin Zone
abbr., polit. Belize
abbr., scottish Beaten Zone (UK); Benactyzine (Chemical warfare incapacitating agent)
abbr., st.exch. Bairnco Corporation
abbr., tradem. Berliner Zeitung; Big Zimage; Brucks Zeitung
abbr., vet.med., med. Bronx Zoo
mil. British zone; buffer zone
mil., abbr. British zone; buffer zone
tech. audible signal device; benzyl
Bz abbr.
abbr. bronsite; bronzite; benzene; benzoyl
abbr., oil bronsite; bronzite
abbr., polym. benzene; benzoyl
BZ abbr.
abbr. Brazil; Brazilian
abbr., busin. both; bronze; business
abbr., chem. zinc di-n-butyl dithiocarbamate
abbr., el. branch on zero (instruction)
abbr., oil biotite zone; bonded zone; bounding zone; zinc dibutyl dithiocarbamate