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Bq abbr.
nucl.phys. Bq; bequerelio; becquerel
 English thesaurus
BQ abbr.
abbr. Berthold Quality; Best Quality; Big Quilt; Bloc Quebecois; Brevity Quality; British Quads; Brooklyn Queens; Brotherhood Quotient; Bum Quads; Basic Qualification; Bill of Quantity (Deel); Build Quality (Deel); Bullshit Quality
abbr., avia. basic qualifications; budget quote
abbr., chem. p-benzoquinone
abbr., construct. Bill of Quantities (semenkov)
abbr., ed. Be Quiet
abbr., ed., scient. Basic Questions
abbr., food.ind. Bad Quail
abbr., jarg. butch queen (rusputin)
abbr., mil. Bachelor Quarters; Bachelors Quarters
abbr., mil., avia. back up quantity
abbr., oil benzoquinone
abbr., polit. Navassa Island
abbr., sport. Boston Qualified
mil. backup quantity
tech. beam quality
Bq abbr.
abbr. true bearing; becquere
abbr., med. becquerel (SI unit of radionuclide activity)
bq abbr.
phys. becquerel
BQ: 2 phrases in 1 subject