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ant [ænt] n
health. hormiga f
ants n
math. hormigas f
 English thesaurus
Ant [ænt] abbr.
abbr. anatase
lat. Antilia (the Pump, Насос Vosoni)
vet.med., abbr. A
Ant. n
geogr. Antigua (Vosoni)
ANT [ænt] abbr.
abbr. Another Neat Tool; The Apocryphal New Testament
abbr., anim.husb. Assessment of New Techniques
abbr., avia. Aircraft Nose Up (Interex); astronomical navigation tables
abbr., el. active network termination; ADSL network termination; advanced network tester
abbr., file.ext. Game data (SimAnt)
abbr., med. 2-amino, S-nitro, thiazol; antihyaluronidase titer
abbr., mil. Autonomous Negotiating Team (computer model)
abbr., mil., avia. advanced network tools
abbr., scottish Air Navigation Trainer
comp. adaptive noise thresholder
meteorol. before
mil. autonomous navigation technology
physiol. Anterior
tech. acoustic noise test; active name table; antenna noise temperature
ant [ænt] abbr.
abbr. antenna; antonym; automatic
abbr., earth.sc. antigorite; antiperthite
mil., lingo antitank (MichaelBurov)
slang has not (Interex)
ant. abbr.
abbr., commer. anticipated
abbr., libr. antiquarian; antonym; antique
abbr., med. anterior
Ant [ænt]
abbr. A anti-aircraft
abbr., earth.sc. Antigua
abbr., earth.sc. Antarctica
abbr., radio antenna
ANT [ænt]
abbr. adenine nucleotide translocator
ANT [ænt] abbr.
abbr., busin. antarctica; antennas; antiquary; antique
abbr., earth.sc. anorthosite-noritic-troctolithic
abbr., oil areal noise testing
: 69 phrases in 8 subjects
Life sciences1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation25
Natural sciences5