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APF abbr.
abbr. Alpha Phi Fu; American Poetry Fund; acidproof floor; Advanced Printer Function (IBM, ADT); All Producers Fooled; Asia Pacific Forum; assigned protection factor (ОТ и ТБ Leonid Dzhepko); Association of Protestant Faiths; Air Pollution Foundation
abbr., agric. animal protein factor
abbr., anim.husb. Association of Pacific Fisheries (USA)
abbr., avia. Naples, Florida USA; advanced propulsion fighter; air pressure function; approach control function; Association des Pilots Francaises
abbr., biochem. acidulated phosphate fluoride (Игорь_2006)
abbr., busin. all-purpose furnace; auxiliary pension fund
abbr., chem. all purpose furnace (black)
abbr., construct. asphalt plank floor
abbr., earth.sc. acoustic position-fixing system; Antarctic Polar Front; automatic pressure filter
abbr., el. access protection field; all-pass filter; antenna power gain; automatic power-on feature; application program function
abbr., file.ext. Printer driver fonts (Lotus 1-2-3)
abbr., IT Auxiliary Page Field; Printer driver fonts; application processing function
abbr., med. Acidulated Phosphofluoride; American Pain Foundation; American Porphyria Foundation; American Psychiatric Foundation; American Psychoanalytic Foundation; Animal Protein Factor; Association Des Paralysés De France; Association Psychanalytique De France; acidulated phosphate-fluoride; American Physicians Fellowship (for the Israel Medical Association); anabolism-promoting factor
abbr., microel. Advanced Patterning Film (NNB)
abbr., mil. Afloat Pre-positioning Force; All- Pass Filter; Analyst Private File; APpropriated Fund; Authorized Program Facility; afloat pre-positioning force; advance planning funds
abbr., mil., avia. accurate position finder
abbr., mus. American Percussion Festival
abbr., oil absolute pollen frequency; all pass filter; all-purpose furnace black; assured processibility factor
abbr., oncol., med. Asset Protection Forum
abbr., physiol. antiproliferative factor (Игорь_2006)
abbr., polit. Austrian party of freedom (MichaelBurov); Austrian Party of Freedom (MichaelBurov)
abbr., polym. all purpose furnace
abbr., progr. Angular Package Format (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., progr., IT Auto Program Finder
abbr., scottish Afloat Prepositioned Force (USA)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Advance Policy Firewall
abbr., semicond. atomic packing factor
abbr., skydive. Asian Parachuting Federation
abbr., sport. Average Points For
abbr., st.exch. M S D W Asia- Pacific Fund
abbr., tax. appraisal fee (авиаперевозка Yuriy83)
abbr., tech. active power filter
abbr., transp. Afloat Prepositioning Force
energ.ind. agglomerate particle fluidization
mil. accurate position finder; antipersonnel fragmentation; appropriated fund; artillery preparation fire
apf abbr.
abbr., expl. acid-proof floor