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 English thesaurus
nc abbr.
abbr. noise criteria
abbr., el. nanocrystalline
.nc n
file.ext. New Caledonia (French)
nc. abbr.
abbr., libr. "no correction"
NC abbr.
abbr. No Concern; National coarse (thread); No Charge; no connection; no coil; Network Co-ordinator (FidoNet); non-conformities (eternalduck); Numerically Controlled (Александр Рыжов); numerical control; naval construction; neutralizing capacitance; neutralizing capacitor; Newcastle; Nicosia; Nixdorf Computer AG; noise criteria curve; normal crown section; North Carolina; Norton Co.
abbr., agric. New Crop
abbr., auto. neutral conductor
abbr., avia. navigation control display unit; negotiable change; nonconformance; non-conformance; nonconforming code (category element); nonrecurring costs; nonscheduled calibration; normal checklist; Northern Air Cargo Inc. (Cargo)
abbr., avia., med. noise criterion
abbr., BrE Northern Command
abbr., busin. neutral credit; noncommittal; numerical; numerical controls
abbr., commer. no cost
abbr., commun. "no -circuit"
abbr., comp. normality closed; numerical control, numeric control
abbr., comp., net. network control
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Computer
abbr., comp.name. Norton Company
abbr., corp.gov. national consultant
abbr., dril. national coarse thread
abbr., earth.sc. new cedi; nickel cadmium; nickel copper; cellulose nitrate; noise criterion curves; Nordic Council
abbr., econ. net capital; net contribution; non-commissioned
abbr., ed. no credit (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., ed., scient. No Class
abbr., el. nitrocellulose (film); node center; Norton Commander; name code; national center; network center; network communications; network computing; network contention; network coordination; neurocomputer; neuron chip; newscutter; node computer; node concentrator; non-coherently catastrophic (codes); non-compatible; notebook computer; null character; numbering counter; numbering cycle; numerical computation
abbr., el., scient. Normally Closed
abbr., expl. nitro-cellulose
abbr., file.ext. Instructions for Numerical Control machine (CAMS); No Carry; Non-error- Checking Preprocessed GOC source code file (GEOS)
abbr., GOST. non-compliant (igisheva); non-complying (igisheva); noncomplying (igisheva); non-conformant (igisheva); non-conforming (igisheva); noncompliant (igisheva); nonconformant (igisheva); nonconforming (igisheva)
abbr., IT No Connection; Network coordinator
abbr., karate. non-cooperative
abbr., law No Clue
abbr., Makarov. network connect; neutralization capacitor; nonlinear capacitance; numeric control
abbr., med. Nasal Cannula; natural cell; neurological controls; non-cholinergic; not classified; Nurse Corps; neck circumference (ННатальЯ); Nuclear Cardiology (код больничного отделения Ying)
abbr., media. No Comment
abbr., mil., air.def. navigation controller; network communication; noncontinuous
abbr., mil., avia. narrow coverage
abbr., mil., WMD Notice of corrective action
abbr., nano nanocrystal (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. normally closed
abbr., O&G, sakh. coarse thread
abbr., oil capillary number; no core; number connection; connections in the number; natural cement; natural convection; near count; network congestion; nickel carbide plated; no circuit; noise control (allow/disallow); non-condensing; non-linear capacitance; noncommercial; noncommissioned; normally consolidated (soils); Norwegian Contractors; not completed; not correct; not critical; number-style connection (threads); numbered connection; numerical-control cutting; nutritious composition
abbr., org.name. National Correspondent
abbr., pharma. Negative control (Отрицательный контроль Jane86)
abbr., physiol. No Change
abbr., physiol., med. No change
abbr., polit. New Caledonia
abbr., polym. no change
abbr., progr. network connection (ssn)
abbr., refrig. noise curve
abbr., scottish Chloropicrin, phosgene & stannic acid mixture (Chemical warfare agent); Narrow Coverage antenna
abbr., sec.sys. normal closed
abbr., sec.sys., IT No Check
abbr., semicond. nanocrystal
abbr., slang Nice Cock (грубо I. Havkin)
abbr., space net computer; node controller; nozzle controller; numerical cutter
abbr., sport. Non Competitive
abbr., st.exch. Non Credit
abbr., tech. negative control; non-conformity
abbr., textile National Certificate; national currency
abbr., transp. Not Clear
abbr., UN, geol. nautical chart
energ.ind., abbr. natural circulation; natural-circulation; network code; nuclear cogeneration; nuclear community; nuclear complex
invest., abbr. no charge
meteorol., abbr. no comments
mil., abbr. naval cadet; naval chaplain; naval communication; naval correspondence; navigation computer; navigation console; network controller; normal charge; nose cone; not coded; nuclear capability
phys., abbr. Non-crystalline
physiol., abbr. Non-contributory
tech., abbr. neutron controller; no correction; noncondensing; noncoring; nuclear construction
telecom., abbr. Number of unallocated channels at node
TV, abbr. not connected
nC abbr.
abbr. nanocurie
abbr., med. nanocoulomb
Nc abbr.
abbr. cumulation oil influx
abbr., earth.sc. sodium carbonate
NC N/C abbr.
abbr. numerical control
.NC n
IT application/x-netcdf
nc abbr.
tech. normally closed (dimock)
NC abbr.
abbr., tech. Noncondesable (@lexandra)
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology1
United Nations1