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 English thesaurus
c [si:] abbr.
abbr., adv. first cover
°C abbr.
abbr., chem. centigrade degree
C [si:] abbr.
abbr. complement; coulomb; cytosine; Century; China; Citizens; City; Community; Con; Contribution; Cost; Costs; Credit; call (Vosoni); Canadian; Cantankerous; carbon; Cardinal; cell (Vosoni); centigrade; centum; Challenger; CHROMA; Cleanse; Coach; Collaboration; Commissioner's Decisions; Common law; Communism; company (Vosoni); Compensation; Competent; Compiler; Computational; congress; Coniferous; Connectivity; Constitution; Convergent; Conviction; Coronary; Counsel; Court; Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Reports; Crabby; Crap; Crappy; Crisis; crown (paper format Vosoni); Cubs; Cunts; currency (Vosoni); current; Cute; cylinder (Vosoni); programming language (successor to B, which was based on BCPL); single-cotton-covered (isolation Vosoni); cum Lat. with; coverage factor; continuing contract; cargo airplane; Catalog; Catalogue; centigrade (degree); centre distance; Ceylon; cloudy (sky); command (pilot); contact weather; cross-sectional area; cutting stroke; Cyprus; electrostatic capacity; kilo gram-calorie; kilo gramme-calorie; modulus of transverse elasticity; molecular heat (capacity); Technical Compilation; central screw shaft; college; concem tration
abbr., agric. canine tooth; carotid artery; centralized; centrifugal; chorda; cilia; clay; coarse; container; controlled atmosphere; copper; cubic
abbr., archive. case (igisheva)
abbr., auto. basic dynamic load rating
abbr., avia. chime (Interex); clear (Interex); close (Interex); common (Interex); comparator (Interex); convertible (Interex); cyan (blue Interex); fault classification (Interex); cold (Interex); ceiling panels; locate by coord.; criterion; contact flying; calendar; canard; cancelled; cantilever; capability; ceiling; certification; combustion; comparison; completely replaces; consumables; cowling; crosswind; cycles; signal comparison
abbr., avia., med. certificate of airworthiness
abbr., biol. cysteine
abbr., busin. car; carton; cask; Celsius; centigram; certificate; check; cheque; chest; cipher; clean; collect; collection; commission; committee; compound; condense; conference; consul; consulate; contain; correspondence; country; personal consumption expenditures
abbr., cartogr. Cambridgeshire; can; Canada; cape; catholic; caution area; Celtic
abbr., chem. cis-; corrosive
abbr., commer. clause; cordoba; third
abbr., comp., IT Computer
abbr., construct. Celsius (temperature scale)
abbr., dril. centigrade thermometer; central distance; chipped; clamp; coefficient of shear
abbr., drug.name Ascorbic acid
abbr., earth.sc. canton site; carbohydrate; carbohydrates; carbonate; carrollite; cassiterite; centigrade degree; cephalopoda; chaetetes; charnockite; chlorite; cladoceran; clinopyroxene; clustering; coast; ,c coefficient; cohesion; colon; comendite; concentrate; concentration by volume; concordant; coral; cordierite; corundite; corundum; cracks; crania; cristobalite; crosscut; crushed; cube; cummingtonite; cuticle; cyclic; molecular heat
abbr., ed., scient. Class
abbr., el. cognition; column; Calorie; commentary; communications; connect; convenience; convergence; converter; counter; coupler; cursor
abbr., el., scient. Control
abbr., electr.eng. cord; coulombmeter; complete (буквы обозначения проводников Natalya Rovina)
abbr., exhib. consignee
abbr., file.ext. C language source (Watcom C/C++ Vosoni); C language source code file; C Programming Language
abbr., footwear conductive (специальное обозначение Yuriy83)
abbr., genet. clear plaque
abbr., IT Change; Chapter; Code; Compare; Condition; Create; See
abbr., lab.eq. Calicivirus; Cholesterolin; Cure
abbr., med. Ascorbic Acid; Calcitonin-forming (cell); Capsid Protein; Cardiac; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell; Certified; calorie (large); cycle length; clearance (rate, renal); cylindriclens; cytidine; Caucasian; cholera; chronological age; circulation; clonus; Clostridium; co-educational; congius; gallon; conjunctival; constan t; Corynebacterium; Cryptococcus; culture medium; cylindrical lens; cystein; cytosin
abbr., med., conv.notation. chest lead; precordial lead
abbr., meteorol. cranium
abbr., microel. AND circuit
abbr., mil. Configuration; Capacitor; Chaff; composition; Confidential (security classification); clock; compromise band; creeping line pattern; cargo transport aircraft
abbr., mil., WMD ceiling limit; critical
abbr., nautic. captain
abbr., nucl.phys. cyclotron
abbr., O&G, sakh. Advisors and Consultants; conductivity; Construction
abbr., oil Cal contact caliper; DLC compensated dencilog, caliper log; DLC GR compensated dencilog, caliper, gamma ray log; DLC GRN compensated dencilog, caliper, gamma ray, neutron log; DLC M compensated dencilog, caliper, minilog; calcite; caliper; calm; Cambrian; Canal zone; candle; canned; Canon; cap; capital; carapace; carbide; carbon-manganese steel; Carboniferous; Cartography; cash; cataclastic zone; Cauchy number; cellulose; Celsius scale; center distance; center screw shaft; centigrade temperature; central (zone); charge conjugation; chemicals; chloride (log); chlorite (zone); choke; ciper; citation; citing; Cladocera; climax; coagulant; coaster; coesite; coking; colluvium; colour index; compound expansion engine; conductance; cone; conservative; consolidation; constancy; continent; contractor; conventional (standard); converted; core hole; corporation; cotton; cove; cracks; cream; Cretaceous; crust; crystalline state; cutter; cutting
abbr., oncol. Cancer
abbr., opt. coulombs; cycles
abbr., phys. J/º (Enrustranslators); degree Celsius (Vosoni); one of the Fraunhofer lines in the red of the solar spectrum
abbr., physiol. Carrier; Cervical; Cholesterol; Constriction; Contraction
abbr., physiol., med. Critical
abbr., pigeon.race. Checker
abbr., polym. calendering; cast; catalyst; coefficient; concentration; continuous; Coulomb; curie
abbr., post Composite Operation (MODS report abbreviation)
abbr., qual.cont. calibration
abbr., refrig. condenser; degree centigrade
abbr., scottish coulomb (electric charge); celsius (temperature); Charlie (phonetic alphabet); Cumulus; Time zone 37.5 E - 52.5 E (GMT -3)
abbr., soil. channel
abbr., sport. Center; Club; Color; catcher; catamaran; corner
abbr., tech. Cold (Insulation TheFellowShipper); capacitance (Vosoni)
abbr., typogr. crown
genet. constant part (dimock)
invest. coupon
IT see
IT, abbr. see
mil. carrier; camp; cannon; cargo; case; center; central; chairman; change; charge; chief; circuit; circular; civil; clearance; climb; clockwise; combat; command; command paper; commandant; comment; compass; complete; complex; compliance; comptroller; computer; concurrent; confidential; configuration; constant; contact; continental; control; controller; controls; copy; corps; cost; council; count; crew; cycle
tech. cable; candela; ceratoid artery; chirp; chrominance; closed; cobalt; coil; collector; commercial agriculture; communication; communications; compensator; compression; computing; conductor; congo; contraction; control room; course; course angle; cuspid; cycles per second; normality; velocity of electromagnetic waves; velocity of light
c [si:] abbr.
abbr. control post; coulomb (единица измерения электрического заряда (Кл, кулон) MusicalTree); single-cotton covered; cental; c quark (MichaelBurov); c-quark (MichaelBurov); charm quark (MichaelBurov); charmed quark (MichaelBurov); capacitance; cathode; cent; centimeter; centimetre; century; character; circa; circumference; codex; coefficient; cold; color; compare; complex line; confinement; contract; copyright; copyright reserved; correct; correction; county; cum; cylinder; Cum - with usually written with a bar on top of the "c"; proposed (Valeriya1)
abbr., auto. Celsius/centigrade; chassis; comfort; comfort mode; commercial; commercial class; connector; convertible coupe; coupe; crawler gear
abbr., busin. calculation weight; c/ case
abbr., commer. charter; corn; custom
abbr., dril. centi-
abbr., el. centi-; speed of EM waves in vacuum
abbr., math., Makarov. c (обозначение известного числа)
abbr., med. capillary (blood); calorie (small calorie); with; calculus; child; closure; continuity; cortex; cup
abbr., med., conv.notation. chest circumference
abbr., oil circle; cloudy; coarsely; cyclo-; cementing
agric. cirka; changes
biol. calyx; cause; cervical; chord; cognate; core; corpus luteum
cartogr. canal; cement; centre; civilian; concrete
engl. carat
lat. contra
O&G capillary; casing; centi -; coal; compressibility; compressional wave; conversion; correlated; electrochemical; heat capacity; shaliness exponent
opt. velocity of light in a vacuum
polym. capacity; centi; crystalline
telecom. speed of light
c. abbr.
abbr. cable; camp; case; centi-; centimetre; centner; centrifugal; circuit; cirrus; city; close; coarse; compression; computer; condenser; conductance; conductor; container; contraction; copyright; cord; correction; correspondance; cost; cylinder; about (Vosoni); center of gravity; circa (Vosoni)
abbr., earth.sc. central; centre; century; circumference; collector; concentration; copper; correct; cycles per second; cyclic
abbr., libr. center; centimeter; cited; clothbound; codex; conference; congress; correspondence; county
abbr., math. chord
abbr., med. canine
construct. 1. centre line; candle; channel
lat. Circa ("approximately", used with dates)
mining. calorie; carat; cargo; center line; cordite; crosscut; cubic
C. abbr.
abbr. cape; Chancellor; Chancery; Chapter; class (Vosoni); Code; Code of Justinian; The Concentration Of A ....; capacitance; capacitor; capacity; carbon (carboneum); cent; coefficient; Chairman
abbr., dril. cathode; charge; choke; coulomb; current
abbr., earth.sc. cap; centigrade thermometer; circus; ,c coefficient; cold; Congo; core; course; curie; cycle; degree centigrade
abbr., lab.eq. Centigrade
abbr., lat. Cajus (a common Roman forename); Consul
abbr., law California Reports (Supreme Court); Court
abbr., libr. cartography; Chief; country
abbr., mech.eng. clearance
abbr., phys. candela
abbr., qual.cont. of C. coefficient of correlation
abbr., tech. centi
abbr., winemak. cognac (коньяк ординарного качества (обозначение на этикетке) baletnica)
tech. collected
°C abbr.
abbr., busin. degree centigrade
abbr., drw. centigrade
abbr., tech. degrees centigrade (deg. Cent.); Celsius
μC abbr.
abbr. microcoulomb
abbr., earth.sc. microcurie
abbr., el. microcomputer; microcontroller
C+ abbr.
abbr. C-positive
C$ abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Canadian Dollar
C+ abbr.
abbr., media. Canal Plus
abbr., mil. superacid
C$ abbr.
abbr., oil Cordoba
cлабость родовых сил abbr.
med. weakness in labor (sankozh); weak contractions (sankozh)
c- abbr.
abbr. copy
.C abbr.
abbr. C source code (C)
abbr. confer
c- abbr.
abbr., chem. cyclo-
&c. abbr.
abbr., econ. et cetera
n. c. abbr.
abbr., econ. new charter
α-C abbr.
abbr., el. amorphous carbon
C-- abbr.
abbr., file.ext. C-- language source (Sphinx C-- Vosoni)
C++ abbr.
abbr., IT C++ language source code file; eine Programmiersprache
р.c. abbr.
abbr., libr. per cent; post card
μμC abbr.
abbr., med. micromicrocurie; picocurie
C' abbr.
abbr., oil a factor used in the calculation of gas volume flow through the orifice meter; the rate of flow in cubic feet per hour at base conditions.
.C abbr.
IT text/plain
cal [si:] abbr.
O&G unit
Cath. [si:] abbr.
abbr. Catholic
H+R C [si:] abbr.
abbr., auto. high and reverse multiplate clutch
abbr., avia. centigrade
c/- abbr.
abbr., econ. case (s)
@@n. c. abbr.
abbr., econ. new charter
ρc abbr.
abbr., el. contact resistivity
C\# abbr.
abbr., numism. Cohen Number
C/ abbr.
abbr., oil contractor
.c abbr.
file.ext. C source code (file name extension, C)
ct [si:] abbr.
O&G convolution function
C [si:] abbr.
abbr., commun., TV chroma...
abbr., econ. &C cash and carry
c. abbr.
abbr., econ. coupon
C. abbr.
abbr., econ. cash; currency
c подачи [si:] prep.
gen. he was down for that (с его подачи Анна Ф); he didn't object (с его подачи Анна Ф); it was his option from the very start (с его подачи Анна Ф); it was his option from the beginning (с его подачи Анна Ф)
: 671 phrases in 58 subjects
Antennas and waveguides7
Computer numerical control1
Corporate governance2
Earth sciences23
Energy industry1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Food industry13
Health care10
Information technology8
International Monetary Fund12
Laboratory equipment1
Life sciences7
Materials science1
Mechanic engineering15
Milk production1
Municipal planning3
Name of organization1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Nuclear and fusion power2
Obsolete / dated2
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
United Nations1
Vacuum tubes1
Work flow5