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noun | verb | abbreviation
wad [wɔd] n
gen. o‘ram; kalava momiq paxta, jun, yung haqida; yumaloqlangan narsa; qog‘oz pullar bog‘lami dastasi
wad [wɔd] v
gen. ichiga paxta tiqmoq; yumaloqyassi qilmoq
 English thesaurus
wad [wɔd] n
scottish would (SAKHstasia)
slang bundle of money (You don't want to carry a wad like that with you in the big city)
WAD [wɔd] abbr.
abbr., avia. work assessment device
abbr., securit. Williams Accumulation Distribution
Wad [wɔd] abbr.
abbr., oil Waddell
WAD [wɔd] abbr.
abbr. Wacky Anime Definitions; Win A Date; Works As Designed; What A Dumb; Wild Ass Deployment; Wild Assed Deployment
abbr., avia. workload assessment device; Adriana, Madagascar
abbr., comp., net. Web Applications Development
abbr., dril. Weeks After Delivery (Термин NOV Pathfinder)
abbr., ed. We're All Dysfunctional
abbr., el. worst case difference
abbr., goldmin. weak acid dissociating (MichaelBurov); Work Authorization Directive (MichaelBurov)
abbr., health., med. Whiplash Associated Disorder
abbr., IT War Allocation Daemon
abbr., med. Wisconsin Association Of The Deaf
abbr., oil worse case difference
abbr., physiol., med. Whiplash Associated Disorders
abbr., scottish Weapons Assignment Display
abbr., space wide area differential
abbr., UN West Africa Democracy; West African Development
energ.ind. weld assembly design
mil. weapon assignment display; work authorization document