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noun | verb
vamp [væmp] n
gen. poyabzalning old qismi; yamoq
inf. qiziqtirib havasini keltirib yo‘ldan uradigan ayol; yo‘ldan ozdiruvchi; vasvasa qiluvchi
vamp [væmp] v
gen. poyabzalning old qismini yangi qo‘ymoq; tuzatmoq; yamamoq; g‘araz maqsadda erkaklarni o‘ziga jalb qilmoq tortmoq
 English thesaurus
vamp [væmp] abbr.
abbr. vampire
VAMP [væmp] abbr.
abbr., avia. visual anamorphic motion picture; visual acoustic magnetic pressure
abbr., biol. vesicle-associated membrane protein
abbr., el. video analog monitor panel
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Vampire Annihilation Methods Project
abbr., med. Venous Arterial Blood Management Protection System; Vincristine, Amethopterine, 6-mercaptopurine, And Prednisone; Vesicle Associated Membrane Protein; vincristine adriblastine methylprednisone; Vincristinum, Methotrexatum, Mercaptopurinum, Prednisolonum
abbr., mil., avia. Vandenberg Atlas modification program
abbr., opt. visual-acoustic-magnetic pressure
abbr., pharm. vincristin, methotrexate, 6 -mercaptopurine and prednisone
abbr., scottish VHSIC Avionics Modular Processor
abbr., space vector arithmetic multiprocessor
abbr., tradem. Value Added Medical Products
mil. Vandenberg Atlas modification program
VAMPS abbr.
abbr., biotechn. Visualisation and analysis of microbial population structures (Altuntash)