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noun | verb
tire [tiə] n
gen. g‘ildirak to‘g‘ini tegarchigi
amer. shina; pokrishka; fartuk
obs. ayollar bosh kiyimi
tire ['taɪə] v
gen. charchatmoq; toliqtirmoq; bezor qilmoq; zeriktirmoq
 English thesaurus
tire ['taɪə] abbr.
abbr., plast. tyre
TIRE ['taɪə] abbr.
abbr., ed., scient. Training Information Research And Education
abbr., mil., avia. tether inspection and repair experiment
abbr., scottish Tank Infra-Red Elbow
mil. tank infrared elbow
TIRES abbr.
abbr., environ. Timber Industry Roads Evaluation Study
abbr., transp. Transportation Interface and Reporting System