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noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
self [self] n
gen. ish-harakatda bevosita ishtirok etuvchi shaxs yoki predmetni bildiradi o‘zi
self- adj.
gen. pref. murakkab so‘zlarning birinchi tarkibi; harakatning o‘ziga qaratilganligini ifoda etadi; o‘zini-; o‘ziga-; o‘zinikiga-
 English thesaurus
SELF [self] abbr.
abbr. short expeditionary landing field; Sentinent Engine Liberation Front; Solar Electric Light Fund; Strong Education For Latinos Future
abbr., earth.sc. selsyn
abbr., ed. Students Exploring Lifestyles and Friendships
abbr., ed., scient. Student Educational Loan Fund; Students Expressing Life Freely
abbr., law Sports Entertainment Law Forum
abbr., O&G, sakh. Sakhalin Energy Leadership Forum
abbr., relig. See Each Leaf Fall
mil. short expeditious landing field
: 60 phrases in 2 subjects