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noun | verb | to phrases
printing ['prɪntɪŋ] n
gen. bosish; bosib chiqarish; nashr etish; chop etish
print [prɪnt] v
gen. bosmoq; nashr etmoq
 English thesaurus
printing ['prɪntɪŋ] abbr.
abbr. print.; prtg; ptg.; prig
print [prɪnt] abbr.
abbr. pt
cinema A projectable version of a movie, usually consisting of one or more reels. When referring to a particular take on a continuity report, "print" indicates that the take should be developed. See also hold.
print. abbr.
abbr. printing
abbr., libr. printed; printer
PRINT [prɪnt] abbr.
abbr., el. pre-edited interpreter
tech. pre-edited interpretive system
Print [prɪnt] v
progr., abbr. P
: 15 phrases in 2 subjects