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preposition | noun | interjection | to phrases
over ['əuvə] prep.
gen. joyni ko‘rsatadi ustida; yonida; bo‘ylab
 English thesaurus
OVERS abbr.
abbr., astronaut. orbital vehicle re-entry simulator
abbr., space orbital vehicle reentry simulator
"Over" int.
avia., Canada An expression used in radiocommunication meaning "My transmission is ended, and I expect a response from you."
over ['əuvə] abbr.
abbr. overture
over- abbr.
abbr., Makarov. over- (как компонент сложных слов в значении добавочный, избыточный, чрезмерный)
OVER ['əuvə] abbr.
abbr., med. open versus endovascular aneurysm repair
abbr., mil. oversize cargo
over: 142 phrases in 4 subjects
American usage, not spelling1