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verb | noun | to phrases
meet [mi:t] v
gen. uchratmoq; uchrashmoq; tanishmoq; kutib olmoq
Meeting ['mi:tɪŋ] v
comp., MS Majlis (An option that creates a meeting request from the selected e-mail message)
meeting ['mi:tɪŋ] v
comp., MS uchrashuv (A calendar item that includes reserved resources and/or invited attendees)
 English thesaurus
meet [mi:t] abbr.
abbr., med. meeting
MEET [mi:t] abbr.
abbr. Minimum Essential Equipment for Training
abbr., ed. Maori Education Employment Takaaro
abbr., ed., scient. Missions Education And Exposure Training
abbr., mil. Minimum Essential Equipment for Training
Meet [mi:t] abbr.
abbr., oil Meeteetse
: 9 phrases in 2 subjects