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noun | noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
means [mi:nz] n
gen. iloj; chora; vosita
mean [mi:n] n
gen. o‘rta yer joy; o‘rtaliq; oraliq
mean [mi:n] v
gen. nazarda tutmoq; bildirmoq; ma'no anglatmoq; mo‘ljallamoq
 English thesaurus
mean [mi:n] abbr.
abbr., austral., slang as mean as cat's piss
abbr., expl. point of burst
slang performs well on (He plays a mean violin)
MeAN [mi:n] abbr.
abbr., oil methacrylonitrile
MEAN [mi:n] abbr.
abbr. Menacingly Evil Antagonistic Network
means [mi:nz] abbr.
abbr. foreignnative language, to learn, to read, to write, to translate, to review, to speak, to understand, to take part, conversation, to discuss questions, dialogue, means, to exchange information, language for communication, in original, patience, necessary, important. (Liana_Ahmedova)
MEANS [mi:nz] abbr.
abbr., med. Modular Electrocardiogram Analysis System
abbr., mil., avia. materials engineering for affordable new systems
: 15 phrases in 2 subjects