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verb | adjective | noun | to phrases
idle [aɪdl] v
gen. ishsiz yurmoq; vaqtni bekor o‘tkazmoq; dangasalik qilmoq
idle [aɪdl] adj.
gen. band bo‘lmagan; ishlamaydigan; bo‘sh; yalqov; erinchoq
 English thesaurus
idle [aɪdl] abbr.
abbr. indolent (ssn)
IDLE [aɪdl] abbr.
abbr. Integrated DeveLopment Environment (Python); International Date Line, East (+1200, TZ)
abbr., el. International Date Line East
abbr., mil., air.def. idle link E
IDLEs abbr.
abbr., med. indolent lesions of epithelial origin
IDLE- abbr.
abbr. International Date Line East-12:00
: 2 phrases in 1 subject