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verb | abbreviation | to phrases
hand [hænd] v
gen. bermoq; topshirmoq; olib bermoq; uzatib yubormoq; uzatmoq; qo‘l panja; ishchi; amalga oshiruvchi; bajaruvchi
 English thesaurus
hand [hænd] abbr.
abbr. handling
hand. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. handling
HAND [hænd] abbr.
abbr., chem., scient. Humanitarian Aid Network For Distribution
abbr., IT Have A Nice Day
handl. [hænd] abbr.
abbr. handling
HANDS abbr.
abbr., oil hydraulically activated navigational drilling system
tech. high-altitude nuclear detection studies
HAND [hænd] abbr.
abbr. have a nice day (oVoD)
abbr., med. HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders
: 60 phrases in 2 subjects