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noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
goods [gʊdz] n
gen. tovar; mol; yuk; bagaj; buyum
good [gʊd] adj.
gen. yaxshi; saxiy; marhamatli; yoqimli; dilbar; iltifotli; xushmuomala; foydali; yaroqli; layoqatli; yaraydigan; usta; mohir; ishbilarmon; omilkor; mahoratli; ustasi farang; unumdor; hosildor; serhosil; ishonchli; ishonarli; mustahkam; ulkan; ko‘p; bir talay; sifatni kuchaytirish ma'nosida; mas.; salomlashish
best [best] adj.
gen. good ning orttirma darajasi eng yaxshi
 English thesaurus
good [gud] abbr.
abbr. gd; gud (SMS, emails and etc kotty)
abbr., amer., slang neat (That was a neat idea that you had)
GOOD [gud] abbr.
abbr. Get Out Of Debt (Anglophile)
abbr., el. graph-oriented object database
abbr., inet. Generic Online Offline Delivery
abbr., IT General Object Oriented Design
abbr., mil. Get Out Of Dodge
abbr., relig. God Opens Other Doors
Good [gud] abbr.
univer., abbr. G
: 87 phrases in 3 subjects