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verb | adjective | to phrases
finish ['fɪnɪʃ] v
gen. oxirlatmoq; oxirigacha olib bormoq; o‘ldirmoq
sport. tamomlamoq; nihoyasiga yetkazmoq
Finish ['fɪnɪʃ] v
comp., MS Tugatmoq (A navigation button used to complete and close a wizard)
finished ['fɪnɪʃt] adj.
gen. tugal; mukammal; to‘liq
 English thesaurus
finish ['fɪnɪʃ] abbr.
abbr., polym. fin
jewl. Refers to the way a metal surface has been done. Metal can be glossy, brushed, hammered, ect. These are all types of finishes popularly used in jewelry.
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects