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verb | adjective | to phrases
fail [feɪl] v
gen. muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchramoq; pand bermoq; umidni puchga chiqarmoq; kamlik qilmoq; yetishmay qolmoq; pasaymoq; zaiflashmoq; kuchdan qolmoq; ishlashdan to‘xtamoq; safdan chiqmoq; yiqilmoq imtihondan; sinmoq; bankrot bo‘lmoq firma va b. to‘g‘risida; to‘lovlarni to‘xtatmoq bank to‘g‘risida
failed [feɪld] adj.
gen. muvaffaqiyatsiz; ishi o‘ngidan kelmagan; singan; inqirozga uchragan
 English thesaurus
FAIL [feɪl] abbr.
abbr., oil fellow of the Association of International Accountants
failed [feɪld] abbr.
abbr., oil fld
: 19 phrases in 1 subject