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noun | abbreviation
elf [elf] n
folk. elf Qadimgi Skandinaviya mifologiyasida: ruh, pari kabi afsonaviy maxluq; juda past bo‘yli odam; to‘polonchi; shum kishi
 English thesaurus
ELF [elf] abbr.
abbr., auto. engine-lube filter
abbr., avia. electronic library function; elevators load feel; elevators load field; engineering support and data link function
abbr., biol. external labor force
abbr., germ., auto. Elektronisch geregelte Luftfederung
ELF [elf] abbr.
abbr. Eat Local Food; Electronic Life Form; Elf Liberation Front; Eliminate Landmines Forever; Enamored Of Legolas Forever; EVERYONE Loves A FRIEND; E L F; Eternal Losers Forever; electro-luminescent ferroelectric
abbr., avia. elevator load field
abbr., ed. Early Literacy Fundamentals
abbr., ed., scient. Earth Liberation Front
abbr., el. extremely low frequency; electroluminescent film; electronic filing system; element list file; extented low frequency
abbr., file.ext. Executable and Linking Format
abbr., health. European Lung Foundation (ННатальЯ)
abbr., inet. Electronic Link Forum
abbr., IT Ecardiy Language File; Executable Linking Format; Extension Language Facility; Executable and Link Format; Executable and Linkable Format
abbr., Makarov. electron localization function; extremely low frequencies
abbr., med. Engineered Life Form; Enzyme Linked Fluorescence; epithelial lining fluid (Rive); enhanced liver fibrosis (ochernen)
abbr., mil., avia. early lunar flare
abbr., O&G, sakh. Extended Leadership Forum (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil economic limit factor; electromotive force; extra low frequency
abbr., physiol. Extend Legs Forward; Eyes, Lips, and Face
abbr., progr., IT English Language Frontend
abbr., radio extra-low frequency
abbr., scottish Eritrean Liberation Front (Ethiopia)
abbr., space electrostatic levitator facility; extensible language facility
abbr., subm. extremely-low frequency (for submarine comms underwater Val_Ships)
abbr., tech. Environmental Lightweight Fan (bonly); extremely low-frequency (jamaliya)
abbr., telecom. extremely low frequency
antenn. extra low frequencies
comp. event logging facility
energ.ind. extra-low-frequency
GOST., law entity legal form (ISO 20275:2017 – Финансовые услуги. Организационно-правовые формы юридических лиц (ELF) 'More)
mil. electronic location finder; expeditionary logistics facility; explosion-actuated light filter
NYSE., st.exch. Elf Aquitaine
photo. Electroluminescent Ferroelectric
tech. element load factor
Elf [elf] abbr.
abbr., radio electroluminescent display screen
ELF. abbr.
abbr., expl. extremely low frequency