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easy ['i:zɪ] adj.
gen. oson; yengil; qiyin bo‘lmagan; og‘irlik qilmaydigan; qulay; yoqimli; tinch; osoyishta; xotirjam; shoshilmay; bemalol; chiqishadigan; ko‘nuvchan; yumshoq tabiatli; erkin; tabiiy; ta'minlangan; badavlat
easy ['i:zɪ] adv.
gen. osonlik bilan; qiyinchiliksiz
 English thesaurus
EASY ['i:zɪ] abbr.
abbr. Eat, Activity, Sleep, And You; Eat, Activity, Sleep, You; Electronic Automatic Script For You
abbr., file.ext. Efficient Assembly System
abbr., scottish Evasive Aircraft System
abbr., st.exch. Environmental Analysis System The Y
mil. early acquisition system
tech. engine analyzer system
EASY ['i:zɪ] abbr.
abbr., avia. engineering of automation systems; enhanced avionics system
abbr., space exception analysis system
easy ['i:zɪ] abbr.
abbr., amer., slang cushy (He has a really cushy job)
abbr., polym. ez
abbr., progr. simplified (ssn)
abbr., slang eggs in the coffee; ez (пренебрежительное сокращение, используемое, чтобы разозлить противника и вывести его из равновесия ThirtyFirst)
EASY ['i:zɪ] abbr.
abbr., avia. engineering analyzer system; exception analyzer system
abbr., el. extensively adapter system
: 16 phrases in 2 subjects