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dummy ['dʌmɪ] n
gen. qo‘g‘irchoq; tulum; model; sun'iy yoki yasama narsa; yasama tish va h. k.; rezinka so‘rg‘ich chaqaloqlar uchun; boshqalar qo‘lidagi qurol
polygr. nashr-maketi kitob
sport. fint; aldovchi harakat
dummy ['dʌmɪ] adj.
gen. haqiqiy bo‘lmagan; qalbaki; yasama; yolg‘ondakam; shovqinsiz; ovozsiz
 English thesaurus
dummy ['dʌmɪ] n
mil., abbr. dmy; dum
mil., logist. An imitation of a person, object or phenomenon, which is intended to deceive hostile surveillance or detection systems or mislead the adversary. (FRA)
USA An imitation in any sense of a person, object, or phenomenon which is intended to deceive enemy surveillance devices or mislead enemy evaluation (JP 3-13.4)
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects