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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
dole [dəul] n
gen. ishsizlik nafaqasi; biror narsani xayriya maqsadida tarqatish; berish
poetic qayg‘u; g‘am; dard-alam; dog‘; ingrash; oh-voh qilish; zorlanish; oh-voh; oh-zor; nola; fig‘on; afg‘on
dole [dəul] v
gen. istar-istamas uncha xohlamasdan tarqatmoq; xayriya yordami ko‘rsatmoq
 English thesaurus
DOLE [dəul] abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. detection of laser emitter
abbr., scottish Detection Of Laser Emissions
DOLE [dəul] abbr.
abbr., space detection of laser emitters
: 1 phrase in 1 subject